Early Morning

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Only Zoey's POV in this one. Brian will be back in the next update! 

Zoey's POV

 I slept off and on for the better part of three days. Not that I wanted to. It's just sleep was really the only thing that made my headache go away. By the fourth day, I woke up feeling normal...finally. Well as normal as I could possibly feel in the fucked up situation I was in.  Not that Brian and I had talked about it. We'd reached an unspoken tentative truce while I was hurt. He was kind enough to wake me every couple of hours to make sure I hadn't slipped into a coma and kept me fed. And I pretended the whole outburst we had that night in the kitchen didn't happen. It seemed like an even trade. Although I would have sold my soul to find out what he was going to say that night.  I guess it's just as well that we didn't talk about it. Between both of our fuck ups, we didn't need any more drama. I knew I was going to have to answer questions about why I was with Lee alone that day and what it meant for me and Brian. I was willing to put that off as long as I could.

 In the early morning of the fourth day, I finally got tired of being in bed. I couldn't find a comfortable position to save my life. Frustrated, I threw the covers off and sat up. The red numbers on the clock read 3:15 AM. Sighing, I made my way to out of the room where I'd been trapped.

Much to my surprise though, I wasn't the only one who had been having sleeping problems. As I crept out of my room, I heard the faint whisper of guitar strings. The closer I got, the clearer the notes were.

"Hey." I called softly as I walked into the living room, where Brian was strewn out on the couch, with his guitar in hand. He was clad in only his gym shorts so holding the guitar in his lap made him look naked.

He looked up swiftly at the sound of my voice and smiled gently. "Hey yourself."

I literally felt my heart skip a beat. I was sure he could hear it too. "What are you doing up?"

He shrugged and looked down at his fingers as they picked up strumming again. "Couldn't sleep I guess. How are you feeling?"

I sat down on the opposite end of the sofa. "I feel good. Better than I have in a few days. Just tired of being in bed."

"I'm glad," he said sincerely rubbing his eye adorably.

"So what's been going on since I've been out?" I asked pulling my left leg underneath me.

He shrugged again as he laid his palm flat on the guitar "Not much. Johnny got a haircut. Matt and Val are thinking about having a baby. Jimmy....well Jimmy and I shot a few games of pool today. Zacky is still stressing over wedding plans"

I chuckled into the darkness, tilting my head back "My mom becomes a tyrant when planning any family function. When I got married, even though we had planners, she had to sign off on every decision that was made."

"And you didn't object?" he asked.

It was my turn to shrug "Not really. It didn't seem like that big of a deal."

"You didn't think your wedding was that big of a deal?" his fingers strummed a soft chord. "I can see you and Zacky are definitely related."

"No, not really. I mean weddings are really for family anyway. I figured I was going to live happy ever after, so as long as that happened, it could be her day."

"Happy ever after, huh?" he said a bit of sarcasm in his tone.

"Well we all know how that worked out." I replied.

We had a few minutes of silence where he just played gently.

He finally broke the silence but didn't look up from his guitar. "It must have worked out a little bit. He came back for you."

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