Work With Me Here

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Zoey’s POV

 “I can’t believe this place is still open,” I said as Brian held the door open and ushered me in with a sweeping motion of his hand. I laughed at the adorableness of it.

Hurricanes had been a staple of Huntington Beach since we were kids and the Monster burgers were to die for. The sound of Fall Out Boy singing “Sugar We’re Going Down” drifted through the door as we stepped into the entry area with dark brown walls covered with nautical decorations and an aquarium that had a Day-Glo orange castle sitting on a bed of fluorescent blue rocks. The roomy restaurant was divided into two sections, with a bar at the front. Underneath the large Hurricanes sign covered with fishing net, a bartender who looked like Chris Rock filled a pair of beer mugs. He called out a greeting as he spotted Brian. The bar patrons turned on their stools and immediately sprang to life. 

“Hey, Brian, where you been all weekend?” 

“That is a fabulous shirt,” the sole blond woman cooed. 

“We’ve been talkin’ about the next album, and—” 

“My daughter Charlie asked me to get your autograph.” 

They acted as though they’d known him forever.  Maybe in a way they did but the instant intimacy people showed toward him made me glad I wasn’t famous. It was a big difference from Lee who almost instantly had his security keep fans aways. Brian seemed to be more appreciative of the people who helped him get where he was today.

Brian gave a genuine smile and draped his arm around my shoulders “Ordinarily, I’d love to sit and chat with you boys, but tonight I promised my wife I wouldn’t. We’re still technically on our honeymoon, and you know how sentimental the ladies get.” 

“Honeymoon ?” the Chris Rock lookalike asked. 

“Yup, we just made it official this weekend. This is Zacky’s little sister,” he announced.

“Wow, that’s amazing, congratulations!” the blonde in the corner barstool smiled.

“A round on the house,” the bartender called “Congratulations to Brian and Zacky’s little sister.”

I smiled “I’m Zoey.”

“So nice to meet you, Zoey! Lisa, let’s get these two our best table,” the bartender called to the hostess who obliged and shuffled us to a table near the windows.

The waitress appeared with the menus. Her thin, sour face immediately twisted into a gooey smile for Brian. “My name’s Marie, and I’ll be your server tonight.” 

“Real nice to meet you, Marie,” Brian said. “What’s good tonight?” 

Marie ignored me to recite the specials just for him.

Brian settled on the Monster burger and fries. I chose the Foxy’s Southwest salad. I was starving so I lapped it up while Brian assembled and ate his burger with all the fixings and ordered dessert, all the time chatting amiably with the assorted people who interrupted his meal. He introduced me to everyone as his new wife. I got a few stares from folks I’m sure were wondering where the hell Michelle had gone.

When we finally had a moment alone, I addressed him over a big, gooey serving of mud pie. “How are we going to explain our divorce to all your fans? Girls are going to hate me”

“I’m not even thinking about it. One situation at time.” He stared at my dessert. “Where are you putting all that food?”

 “Don’t judge me. I haven’t eaten since breakfast. Seriously, though, no funny stuff, Brian. I mean it. You can’t announce our divorce by giving me a fatal disease or saying you caught me with another man. Or a woman. I don’t want to sound any more pathetic in the press than I already have,” I added quickly. “Promise me.” 

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