Let's Get Out of Here

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Zoey’s POV

After the words left my mouth, I wished I could take them back. Brian looked sad for about a second and then it passed. I considered for a moment that I imagined it.

Zacky and Gena quickly untangled themselves from each other and smiled sheepishly at them.

"Sorry guys…" Zacky blushed. "I guess we got a little carried away for a while."

“My eyes! My eyes,” I cried jokingly as I covered my eyes dramatically and he playfully grabbed me in a headlock.

This time Brian rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well, you passed it along to Jimmy who is sucking Leana’s off face right now. And to Matt whose lips appear to be glued Val’s on the dance floor. And look at Johnny, he’s leaning in..no stop it..don’t do it Johnny…no."

Johnny laughed as he finally pressed his lips to Lacey’s.

For the next couple of hours, it was fun just to watch my brother enjoy his engagement and his friends have fun. I couldn’t help but watch Brian who stayed planted to my left side all night, alternating between water and beer, I assume to keep from getting too sloppy. I managed to stick to beer, myself, after the initial shots were passed around and had a great buzz going.

When Gena could no longer stand and was hanging all over him, Zacky decided to call it a night.

"Umm…guys…" Zacky managed to gasp out into between kisses that Gena was planting. "I think we're going to get going up to our room."

“So soon?” Matt asked

“Yeah if it’s cool,”Zacky replied looking at everyone for confirmation.

Everyone pretty much nodded and Gena proceeded with her sloppy drunk goodbyes. Zacky gave handshakes and hugs to the guys and made his way in my direction.

“Be good,” he warned as he gave me a hug.

“You too, bro,” I replied.

I noticed Brian got the half hug/half handshake thing. Before Zacky moved away, he spoke “Make sure Zoey gets to her room…alone.”

“You got it, man,” Brian nodded and I glared.

Zacky rewarded me with a big smile and with that he carried Gena out of the bar, with her legs wrapped tightly around him as we all watched with amused grins.

"I think we should get going too" Val whispered seductively as she traced circles on Matt’s leg. He gulped and immediately jumped up from the table, grabbing her hand to pull her to the exit.

"Bye guys!" Val called out as they practically sprinted to the door.

“So are you two next?” Brian asked Jimmy and Johnny.

“Yeah we’re gonna head out too, not together of course.” Johnny said leaning over to take Lacey’s hand. “I want to see the Bellagio fountains,” Lacey replied.

“Your wish is my command,” Johnny said as he bowed before her.

“I guess everyone is calling it a night then,” Leana observed “I’m sleepy anyway.”

Jimmy smiled and his blue eyes sparkled. “Let’s get going then.”

“Aww man, I thought we were gonna go hard tonight,” Brian said giving Jimmy a handshake.

“I am,” Jimmy said his smile widening “Just not with you.”

Poor Leanna giggled and blushed while giving me a goodbye hug leaving me with Brian alone at the table.

Brian grimaced as he watched them leave. "Ugh…all that making out was something I didn't really need to see. I’m scarred for life.”

I shrugged as I finished the rest of my beer. "So what? They are all happy. Isn't that all that matters anyway?"

He nodded and nudged his head towards the exit. "So do you want to get out here or what?"

I nodded as I downed the rest of my bottle. "Yeah, I'm feeling pretty drunk. I shouldn't have anymore or you might have to carry me out of here."

I thought I had pretty good balance but I took a couple of steps and tripped.

“Whoa!” I cried as Brian caught me before I hit the floor.

He helped me stand. "Geez, Zoey, I can't take you anywhere, can I?"

I frowned and smacked him on the shoulder. "Shut up and let’s get out of here.”

"Your wish is my command," he imitated Johnny’s bow as we helped each other stumble out of the bar.

"So are you sad?” I asked out of the blue.

He looked down at me. "Sad about what?"

I shrugged as he helped keep me steady. "You did just break up with Michelle. And all your friends are going back to their rooms with their girlfriends and you aren’t."

He just laughed at me and smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Well, technically, I'm going back to a hotel room with my wife."

I made a face and hit him on the shoulder. "That doesn't count!” 

He shook his head and laughed again. "Of course it does, we’re married, remember?"

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