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I picked the acoustic version of Umbrella because I really love it alot and it's oh so very romantic. Sadly the song is from 2007 and this part of the story is based in 2005, a little bit of AU and artistic license on my part ;)

Brian’s POV

Zacky and Zoey reminded me of a Goth version of Hansel and Gretel, the way they held hands and took off running, him dressed in all black and her in her white and black dress. We all watched as they made conversation with one of the band staff.

“Anybody else think they look like incest twins?” Matt joked and we laughed.

Zacky briefly ran back stage and emerged with his own acoustic guitar and pulled a stool stage front.

“Oh my God, that’s actually his guitar. What is he doing?” Gena asked Val who just shook her head smiling and shrugged

“Sing WONDERWALL,” Matt cat called loudly.

“FREE BIRD!” Jimmy added

Zoey chuckled in our direction as she pulled a stool from the back of the stage and pulled it close to the microphone stand. She lowered it.

Zacky took the second microphone “Ladies and Gents, my name is Zacky Vengeance. Most of you may know me as the rhythm guitarist for Avenged Sevenfold. But tonight, I’m here celebrating my engagement to the most beautiful woman in the world. She wanted me to sing her a song. My singing voice isn’t bad but it’s not great..I’m more of a backing vocals kind of guy…so I brought my sister Zoey up here to help me out..Gena this one is for you..”

Zacky started out with the beautiful guitar riff.

Zoey swayed side to side before starting.

You have my heart

And we'll never be worlds apart

Maybe in magazines

But you'll still be my star


Baby cause in the dark

You can't see shiny cars

And that's when you need me there

With you I'll always share


When the sun shines, we’ll shine together

Told you I'll be here forever

Said I'll always be a friend

Took an oath, I'm a stick it out till the end


Now that it's raining more than ever

Know that we'll still have each other

You can stand under my umbrella

You can stand under my umbrella

As the song continued, I could feel the weight of Leana’s eyes on me and I shifted my eyes to meet hers.

"What?" I snapped.

"Nothing." She smirked.

"Why were you staring at me then?" I said staring at her suspiciously.

She sighed and leaned over so only could hear her. I was almost afraid of what she was going to say.

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