Sitting In The Dark

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Zacky's POV

After that horrendous scene, Gena and I left the club. All the fun had been sucked out of the evening and we were all pretty bummed. I dropped Gena off at the hotel and decided to drive to check on Zoey and Brian to make sure they hadn't killed each other.

"You don't have to go over there," she reasoned. "They need to figure it out on their own.

"Yeah," I agreed "But I know my sister...and I won't feel right if I don't know she's okay."

Gena gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Be careful."

I nodded and went on my way to see my sister.

Pulling into her driveway, I noticed there were no lights burning. I tried the doorbell but no one answered. I knocked and waited but no one came to the door. Damn, damn, damn, I thought as I used the spare key Zoey had given me as a last resort and opened the door. I was half expecting to see a knock down drag out fight happening. I briefly wondered if I should try to mediate or run for cover. Usually running for cover was the right position to take when Zoey was pissed.

But the house was dark and there were no signs of life. Curious...maybe she'd killed him and gone to hide the body. Kidding.

I walked further into the living room, waiting for my eyes to adjust when I noticed a lone figure sitting in the dark.

"Brian?" I questioned quietly, just in case he was sleeping.

"Yeah." Was the reply.

"What are you doing? Why are you sitting in the dark? Where is Zoey?" I asked taking a seat on the recliner.

"Which question do you want me to answer first?" he said evenly, no sign of distress in his tone of voice.

"Where is Zoey?" I asked slowly, figuring that was the best question to start with.

"In her room. Asleep probably." Was the answer.

Ahh least she hadn't fled the premises.

"Why are you sitting in the dark?"

"Just seems appropriate."

"Did you two..."I began

"Yeah." Brian sighed "She let me have it. Months, Years of pent up feelings...all unleashed on me at one time. She's in love with me, by the way."

"Yeah," I said tiredly "I know."

He turned to look at me in the dark. I couldn't see his expression and I was a bit thankful "And she wants a divorce."

I frowned in the dark "She's doesn't mean that. She's just...angry."

"I don't know Zacky. She's really mad." Brian said before settling deeper into the couch. "I'm such a fuck up, I can't even maintain a fake marriage."

Neither of us spoke for a moment.

"So what did you tell her? When she told you she loves you, I mean." I asked carefully.

He shrugged "I told her that I care about her."

I winced at that. That was pretty much as close to love Brian ever gets but I knew it wasn't enough for Zoey. And she deserved so much more. "I'm sure that went over well. Maybe next time you could tell her that it's not her, it's you."

"I'm sure I'd be dead in seconds if I did." Brian said.

"You are definitely right about that one." I told him.

Brian chuckled. "Thanks for the honesty."

"No problem." I replied, not really knowing what to say. Frankly I thought they were both being crazy, but I knew Michelle had irritated an already spreading rash.

"So what are you going to do?" I asked breaking the silence.

"I'm going to leave, just like she wants."Brian said shrugging in the dark.

"Well that's real big of you." I said sarcastically.

Brian became defensive "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means that's a chicken shit response, putting it on her. It means your letting yourself off the hook to easy. It's too hard to hold up the end of the deal you two made so you're making excuses."

Brian huffed "I'm not making excuses."

"Yes you are,"I protested "You're making it easy on yourself. Just like you do with every relationship you're in."

When Brian made no reply, I continued "This is not all on you. She's made a mess too but she fucked up and let her feelings for you get in the way. Even though I told her not to. If you don't feel the same way, then you've got to be honest and let her go. But admit why you're getting out. Don't do it because you think she wants it. Trust me, she doesn't."

"So what am I supposed to do?" he asked quietly.

"I don't know. That's something you gotta figure out."

He seemed to consider it for a bit. "I thought you'd be madder," he said evenly.

I nodded "I know what I've got in the sister department. She's awesome but she's a handful. Zina and my mom are no different. My dad says troublesome women are the best kinds."

He chuckled "Probably would have helped if you would have shared that notion a long time ago."

"True," I conceded "You staying here?"

"I think I need a break," he said lifting himself off the couch

I agreed standing as well "Come back to the hotel. We'll have a few drinks and get you a room. Let Zoey cool off."

Like that was going to happen. What a fucking mess.

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