The Beginning

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Brian’s POV

I remember the exact moment I knew I had a thing for Zoey Baker. She was 13 years old and I was 15. She had just moved from Olympia to Huntington Beach with my best friend Zacky and their family.  She was the youngest girl and was extremely close to Zacky.  I remember she was all green eyes and knees and elbows. Her hair was usually a mess and she imitated Zacky’s style. All four Baker kids were musically inclined but Zoey had the pipes. I remember Zacky bringing Matt and I into his home the first time to hear a clear strong voice belting out Journey’s Stay Awhile.

“Who is that?” Matt asked curiously.

Zacky looked toward the living room “Zoey.” He replied as a one word explanation.

“Who is Zoey?” I asked as the singing continued.

“My younger sister,” he replied as he moved to the refrigerator to grab sodas “ZOEY!”

The singing stopped and she walked in “Zacky, you’re home. I was wondering…” she stopped mid -sentence and peered at Matt and I. “Sorry I didn’t know you had friends over.”

Zacky shrugged and gestured back and forth between us “Zoey, Matt and Brian. Matt and Brian, this is my little sister Zoey.”

“Do you always have to say I’m your little sister?” she asked annoyed. “I’m as tall as you are. No one would be able to tell.”

“You won’t get any taller so everyone will be able to tell,” Zacky chuckled.

“Neither will you,” she replied and I laughed. She looked at me, her green eyes wide as if she was seeing me for the first time.

Matt, physically incapable of not having every female within a 5 mile radius fall at his feet, smiled his widest smile, showing those damn dimples. “Hey there Zoey, nice to meet you.”

She nodded her head up and down  “You’re really pretty,” she declared.

Matt looked at me confused as Zacky smiled “Pretty?” he asked in his flirty tone “I don’t think I’ve ever been described as pretty before.”

She pursed her lips “Really? I’m surprised. I mean you seem think that about yourself, flashing those dimples.”

I tried not to laugh at her calling Matt out as Zacky tossed me a soda and took as I took a seat on one of the barstools that surrounded the kitchen island.

Matt’s grin widened as he moved toward one of the empty seats “Well come over here and tell me what you really think.”

“You gonna stop that asshole from flirting with your sister?” I asked as I leaned against the counter near the kitchen sink.

“Zoey can hold her own,” Zacky announced in a low tone.

She frowned as she lifted her right leg to scratch the back of her left “That could be hazardous to my health.”

“How’s that?” Matt asked leaning back, one arm draped over his chair.

“Well I could step in between you and that mirror over there and you might turn violent,” came the sarcastic reply.

Zacky and I laughed as Matt turned red from embarrassment.

Yeah you can say that was when I knew Zoey Baker was one to keep an eye on.

Not that I’d ever make move. She was two whole years younger than I. A mere middle schooler to my high school status. And to top it off, she was Zacky’s little sister. The more time I spent with her, the more I liked her. She could climb a tree,  throw a baseball and football as good as any of the guys. She played guitar as well as Zacky and together they’d shred up in Matt’s garage. She made the cutest faces while she played.

The more focused we became on our band, the less I saw of her. Although occasionally, she’d appear with Val and her friend Johnny who eventually picked up a bass to jam with us. They were in the same grade and I always suspected Johnny had a crush on her, though like me he never made a move out of respect for Zacky.

That is until that one night..that one drunken night..where I couldn’t help myself. Coming home drunk with Jimmy and Zacky, lying at the foot of the bed…hoping sleep would come soon so the room would stop spinning.

“Hold me close and hold me fast
The magic spell you cast
This is la vie en rose
When you kiss me heaven sighs
And though I close my eyes
I see la vie en rose
When you press me to your heart
I'm in a world apart
A world where roses bloom
And when you speak
Angels sing from above
Everyday words seems
To turn into love song
Give your heart and soul to me
And life will always be la vie en rose”

That voice still gives me chills when I remember it.  I closed my eyes and listened to her sing at Zacky’s request. It didn’t help that she’d grown up from a cute and sarcastic kid into a beautiful and savvy teenager. Right before my eyes. Keeping my hands  off after that..well it was going to take some doing.

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