Ninety Six Hours

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Zoey’s POV 

I woke up the next morning, my 6am alarm blaring, an unhappy shrill sound, to find Brian’s side of the bed empty. The only sign that he’d actually been there at all was the indentation of his head on the pillow and his natural Brian scent on the sheets. I buried my face into his pillow and inhaled deeply.  On the night stand, I saw a piece of white cardstock folded and standing upright. I crawled closer to grab it. A pair of fifties and one hundred dollar bill lay flat on the table. I laughed to myself before opening the paper: 


You win..this time.



 Funny, no mention of his earlier than expected mishap and he signed it Syn and not Brian. I pressed the note to my chest and stretched with a stupid grin on my face. I crawled out of bed to find the house empty and Brian’s car gone. 

I opened the door softly to McKenna’s room to find Lacey sleeping soundly. I guessed the guys wanted to make it to the studio early. I knew from talking to Zacky on their previous albums that they spent outrageous hours in the studio. Jimmy was like a machine when he was making music and the other guys fell into his routine. Last night was probably the last time I’d see Brian for more than a two hour period. 

I was kind of sad considering that while getting showered and dressed for work.  As I made and poured myself a cup of coffee, I heard stirrings of Lacey moving around upstairs. 

“Good morning,” she said cheerfully as she came into the kitchen.

“Morning Lace,” I said pulling another mug from the cabinet. “Coffee?”

“Yes please,” she answered gratefully “I can’t believe I drank so much last night. I don’t know how the boys do it. Drink all night and then up early in the morning.”

“Must be a trait of people in bands,” I replied handing her the cup. “Cream and sugar?”

“Oh yes!” she said loudly “Johnny drinks his black. Yuck, it’s so bitter.”

I passed her the sugar container and teaspoon and went to retrieve the milk from the refrigerator.

When I opened it, I noticed a ton of food that had not been there before. What the hell? I guess Brian actually went grocery shopping. That was an interesting picture to imagine. 

“Zoey?” Lacey said tentatively.

“I’m sorry?” I said grabbing the milk and closing the fridge. “Did you say something?”

“Uh yeah, I was just asking what time you had to be at work?” she replied looking concerned.

“Oh sorry, I spaced out for a second. I have about an hour. What about you? Do you have class today?” I asked, remembering Lacey was still in college.

“Actually I eleven. Luckily just two classes today. Then I have to meet the plumber at the house. And hopefully, I’m going to try to have dinner with Johnny at the studio since he probably won’t make it home at a decent hour,” she answered as she sipped her coffee.

“That sounds like a good idea,” I said nodding my head.

“You should try to come. I’m sure Brian would like that. I’m sure the rest of the girls will be there too,” she said excitedly. Lacey was definitely a cheery person in the morning. Her optimism matched Johnny’s and I could see again what made them such a great match.

“Maybe,” I replied “I have to see what’s on the schedule for me today with the band I’m working with.”

I excused myself to pack my stuff up and was getting ready to come back down stairs when Lacey called out.

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