Things Get Complicated

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The next few days passed and I found it easier to face the music of my failed marriage. Being seen with Brian had at least given the impression that I wasn’t going to lay around and waste away or hide from the press. It was a peace that lasted about three days.

Coming into the office on Thursday, I found my boss Alex Irvine sitting at my desk chair with tabloids spread out.

“Geez Alex you scared the crap out of me,” I said as I removed my jacket. “What the hell are you doing in here?”

“I’m waiting for you to tell me what this is all about,” he said leaning back in my chair, his hands pressed together.

I looked at the pictures in the Flash. They were of me and Brian hand in hand exiting the Ivy. “I had lunch with a friend.”

“You’re friends with Avenged Sevenfold’s Synyster Gates?” he asked incredulous.

“Um yeah, “ I said as I took a seat in one of my guest chairs.

Alex gave me an expectant look so I added “We’re old friends. Actually he’s my brother’s best friend.”

“Your brother is best friends with Synyster Gates and this is the first time I’m hearing this?”

“It’s not the kind of thing that pops into every day conversation,” I said sarcastically.

“How does he know your brother exactly?” Alex asked. He was fishing. So far, I’d managed to keep the fact that Zacky and I were related on the down low. Only Hilary knew at Warner Brothers. I didn’t want pressure for each of us with industry folks. With the paparazzi so close on my tail though, I guess I needed to come clean.

“My brother may or may not be the rhythm guitarist for Avenged Sevenfold,” I confessed, trying to make it a joke.

Alex shook his head. “Your brother is Zacky Vengeance.”

“Um yeah, Zacky Baker. Zoey Baker. Zina Baker…hmm Matt got screwed on the name part..but…”

He cut me off “So you’re telling me all this time you’ve worked here you’ve never told anyone that your brother is in Avenged Sevenfold.”

“That’s not exactly true. No one ever really asked. It never came up,” I protested “It’s not important. Zacky does his thing and I do mine.”

“Well, well, do know their looking for a big label for their third album?” he asked.

Actually I did know. Zacky said a couple of the bigger labels were courting them. I never thought of chasing them myself for Warner. It wasn’t really my job. I was a producer. I didn’t sign acts to contracts.

“Yeah I did,”I admitted.

“And you never thought to use your influence..”

“I don’t have any influence on…”I began but Alex slammed his hand down on the tabloids.

“Zoey, your brother and this guy… it sure as hell looks like you do now.”

I pointed to the papers “Look Alex, those pictures aren’t what you think.”

“I don’t care what they are. They put us in a position to sign one of rock’s up and coming rock bands.”

“What are you saying Alex?” I asked incredulous.

“I’m saying that Avenged Sevenfold needs to be under the Warner Brothers umbrella.”

Great, just great.


I sat at my desk and picked up the head set on my receiver. I had to work up the nerve to dial Zacky’s number.

As it began to ring, I hope like hell it would go to voicemail. Instead after the fourth ring, his happy voice answered “Zoey!”

“Hey Zack, what’s going on?”

“Oh you know, same old shit,” he replied “Is that Zoey?” I heard Gena’s voice asked and he said “Yeah.”

“HI ZOEY!” I heard her yell.

I laughed into the receiver “Hey Gena.”

“You alright Zoe? I saw that bastard in the magazines,” he asked, concern in his voice. “I saw you too. I’m glad Brian was there to save you. Knew that asshole would come in handy someday.”

“Yeah, I’m good Zacky. Did he get in trouble with Michelle?”

Zacky hesitated “Yeah maybe a little.”

“Wow, I hope she knows that he was just helping me out of a jam.”

“She gets jealous at any little thing. It’s not a big deal. They’ll fight it out and then make up again.”

“I hope they do,” I said as sincerely as I could. “Zacky, were you guys all in LA this weekend?”

He hesitated again “We were. Didn’t I tell you?”

“No Zack, you didn’t mention it. How come you didn’t come by and see me?”

“It was a quick trip. I spent most of it in the studio.”

“Hopeless?” I asked that they were still working with the small label.

“Um no, we were visiting with EMI,” he admitted.

“Oh wow, that’s great. EMI is big label,” I replied trying to not sound defeated.

“It was ok. They want a lot of creative control.” He offered “Not sure the band is ready to hand that over just yet.”

“You guys have any new tracks for the next album yet?”I asked

“Yeah a couple. You should come down and hear them. Give me some expert advice,” he joked.

“Actually Zacky that’s why I’m calling,” I began

“Wait first, Zoe, I wanted to tell you something. I was actually going to call you later today and tell you the big news.”

I waited and held my breath

“I asked Gena to marry me!” he said happily.

“Zacky, that’s so awesome!!! When is the big day?” I asked happy for my brother.

“Well we’re still working on that but we’re headed to Vegas to celebrate this weekend. How about joining us?”

I considered it “Oh Zack, I don’t know. I’m kind of a walking time bomb right now with press coverage.”

“Aww Zoes, c’mon. I want you there. Puh-leeze?” he laughed.

What harm could it do? Maybe I could even convince them to come in and talk to Alex.

“Ok..sure Zacks, I’ll be there. Actually I’ll head to Huntington Beach after work.”

“Great, Zoe, I can’t wait to see you.”

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