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Brian's POV

I knew I wasn't going to make it home before Zoey got there. I had to stop by Guitar Center and pick up some new strings and cables as well as hit the grocery store for some supplies. With more than just me in the house, it was probably a good idea to have more food than beer. A rarity for my refrigerator but one I'm sure it would appreciate if it could talk. I hit a few other stores which made it more than a productive afternoon. I walked in through the back door and placed my grocery bags and keys on the kitchen table. I heard the shower running and was tempted to follow the sound. Instead I retrieved the packages I'd left in my car then went to my room, where I set the sacks on the floor by Zoey's suitcases and gazed toward the bathroom door.

The clothes she had been wearing when I saw her last lay in a puddle on the floor. Only a real douchebag would go into the bathroom uninvited while a woman showered, and nobody had ever accused me of being one for that yet. Instead, I left her alone and waited like the gentleman I was for her to come out. Hopefully naked.

The water stopped and I quickly stripped off my shirt and tossed it aside, a cheesy move, but it seemed to give her pause before. For a brief second, I considered she might come out fully clothed.

Luck was on my side. She wore only a white towel hiked up to her armpits. Not nearly as good as naked, but at least I could see her legs. My gaze followed a trickle of water sliding down the inside of one trim thigh.

"Out!" Looking like a provoked water nymph, she stabbed her finger toward the hallway.

"My room," I reminded her.

"I have dibs."

"How do you figure?"

"Possession. Nine-tenths of the law. Out."

"I need a shower."

She gestured toward the bathroom door. "I promise not to bother you."

I moved closer. ""Why is it that it's totally cool that I have my hands all over you in the studio but not here in my home?"

"Because I'm naked,"she huffed as if she was stating the obvious. "Besides we're supposed to be putting on a show for everyone, remember?"

"We could put a show on right here," I suggested as I drew up next to her. I caught the scent of my favorite shampoo. It smelled better on her. Her wet hair lay against her head, and the flicker in her eyes told me I was making her nervous. Excellent.

"You have three minutes to get out of here," she insisted firmly.

"That's okay," I said sliding my finger down the damp skin on her arm. "I only need one."

"Such a tempting offer," she retorted, a bit flustered.

I gave her a slow once-over. "Zoey, I'm seriously starting to worry about you."

"Worry about me?" she asked trying to regain her composure and doing a damn good job of it.

"I mean it, Zoey. I'm seriously starting to believe you might be frigid."

"Really?" she said grabbing another towel and beginning to dry her short hair.

I circled her, taking in the soft, damp nape of her neck where her hair parted, the gentle curve of her narrow shoulders. "I don't know...Have you thought about seeing a sex therapist? Hell, we could go together."

Her snort told me I'd done it again. She wasn't taking me seriously. She was nervous at first but now she had herself under control. It was a tactical error I'd never have made if I'd had any actual practice seducing women. Hell. Up until now, just saying hello had been good enough. I frowned.

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