Meet the Parents

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Brian's POV

So I was really nervous taking Zoey home to my dad and Suzy. My dad hadn't been too happy when I called him with the news that I'd gotten married in Vegas. Not that he had anything against Zoey. He had always thought Zoey was a good kid. But I guess the idea of jumping from Michelle to Zoey had him a little leery of the situation.

Zoey was all nerves as we pulled up to the house.

"Breathe, Zoey," I said as I turned the ignition off.

"I'm breathing, Brian, doesn't help. This is crazy. How did we ever think we were going to be able to pull this off?" she freaked

"Zoey, relax. My dad and Suzy are going to love you," I replied as I leaned toward the glove compartment, opening it.

"How do you know that? How can you possibly know that? They may hate me for the situation with Michelle."

I pulled out a small white box and handed it to her. "They won't hate you because we're married. Trust me. Nobody could ever hate you. Now here, put this on."

"What is it?" she took the small box from me, her hands trembling.

"Open it," I said giving her a smirk.

I watched her carefully as she pulled the small lid of the box to exposing the ring that Johnny and I had looked for all afternoon.

She looked at me "Brian, it's beautiful. How? When?"

"Johnny and I stopped on the way home from the dog park," I explained.

"Johnny?" she asked, her voice full of some emotion I couldn't define.

"Try it on," I encouraged "Don't get all crazy though. I bought it at the pawnshop. Those aren't real diamonds. Cubic zirconia I'm sure and who knows what that pink stone is. Needed something for you to wear tonight so I went in and grabbed the first ring I saw."

Her hands continued to shake as she took the ring from the small white box and she examined it. It was a delicate white gold band with a square pink stone in the center and diamonds surrounding it and a few on the sides. She placed the ring on her finger and marveled "It fits!"

"I may have had Zacky's help with that one," I admitted "And it's not too big and offensive.I know how you hate those big ass diamonds."

"It's perfect, Brian," she said holding it out for inspection. "Thank you."

I coughed embarrassedly. "Don't get all girly on me. Look I got one too." I pulled out a thick silver band and placing it on my hand. "Are you ready?"

She looked at me "As ready as I'll ever be."


Zoey's POV

I'm not sure why I was so nervous. I'd known Mr. Haner and Suzy since I was a kid. They were old family friends and were at almost every one of Zacky's birthday parties and attendees at my wedding. This should be simple. It wasn't though, I was nervous as hell as Brian rang the doorbell.

Suzy Haner answered it "Brian! Zoey! Welcome..come on in."

Brian gave his step mother a hug and a kiss on the cheek as he crossed the threshold.

I walked in behind him, unsure of what to do. Too soon for a hug? A casual wave? A smile?

The decision was made for me when she pulled me into an embrace "It so good to see you again, Zoey."

I relaxed as I returned the hug "It's good to be here."

"Brian," she called loudly as she motioned for us to follow her, "the kids are here."

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