Welcome To The Family

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One more for the weekend since I won't be around! Happy Valentine's Day to all!

Zoey’s POV

I watched Zacky pace back and forth, after we explained everything that had happened. We came clean about everything. The drugged drinks, the wedding we didn’t remember, the wedding night we could only guess what happened, last night’s events. I figured it was better for him to know the truth so he could at least be on our side when the story went public.

“I can’t believe you two,” he said, shaking his head. He had calmed down tremendously much to Brian’s relief. “You’re gonna stay married.”

“Just for a little while,” I explained “Just long enough for people not to think I’m a crazy lunatic to get divorced and then married again the next day.”

Zacky looked from me to Brian “And you’re okay with this?”

Brian looked at me and back at Zacky. He cleared his throat “I told you I cared about her. I meant it. I want to help her out. You’d do the same for McKenna.”

“I wouldn’t marry McKenna,” Zacky insisted shaking his head “Dude, she’s seven. ”

“She’s eight. But you know what I mean. Maybe a school dance or something…”Brian trailed off.

Zacky looked at me. “What are mom and dad going to think? I mean, he didn’t even ask dad for your hand. Dad’s never going to believe…”

“Come on Zacky, did you ask for Gena’s dad’s permission? That’s an outdated custom,” I insisted.

“Actually yes, I did,” he bristled “And so did your ex-husband. Remember that? I was there.”

“A lot of good that did,” I countered “He cheated on me anyway..and he divorced me.”

He shrugged, obviously tiring of the argument “Good point.”

“It’s temporary. Just a few months and then people will forget,” I told him. “But everyone has to believe it. Okay?”

He looked at Brian “I swear if you fuck her over in any way, I will fuck you up so bad.”

“I get it, Zacky,” Brian replied

Zacky’s eyes darkened and his voice took on a menacing tone. “No you don’t get it. I will seriously hurt you. She is NOT Michelle. You will not cheat on her. You will not use her in any capacity that she doesn’t agree to. You will not humiliate her in any way. You will respect her while she’s your wife. Because I will be watching and if I see..if I even just think that you’ve done any of these things, you will not live to see the next day. Do you understand me, Brian? Are you hearing me loud and clear?”

Brian looked at him sincerely “Yeah, man…Zacky I hear you.”

He turned to me “I think you’re an idiot but you’re my sister. And I’ve done a lot of idiot shit that you’ve stood by me through, so I got your back on this one.”

“Thanks Zacky…”

“I’m not finished...this better not get messy. That means don’t fucking fall in love with each other cause frankly you both suck at it. And at the end of the day, we’ve got a band to think of, not just your messy ass relationship.”

“Um okay,” I nodded as Brian asked cautiously extending his hand. “So we’re ok then?”

Zacky looked from me to Brian and back again before taking it. “Yeah man, welcome to the family.”

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