Do We Have a Deal Or What?

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Zoey's POV

I opened my eyes slowly. I still had a dumb headache but it was nothing compared to yesterday. I turned to my right to see Brian fully dressed sleeping soundly on top of the blankets. I was under the blankets and still had my some clothes on so that was something, at least. He was lying on his side, one hand tucked under the pillow, the other in front of him. His black t-shirt exposed his smooth chest. His long lashes fluttered and every now and then he sighed contentedly.

I watched him for a few minutes before turning on my back again, staring at the ceiling.

What was I doing? What were we going to do? So many questions to be asked and answered and all I really felt like doing to was staying in this bed next to this beautiful man.

He stirred and I rolled back over to my side and waited.

Finally after a few minutes of fidgeting, he opened his eyes.

"Hi," he said sleepily as he lifted his hand to rub his face.

"Good morning," I gave him a vague smile.

"What are you doing awake so early?" he asked, his voice rough with sleep.

"Pondering the meaning of life," I cracked.

He nodded but didn't say anything.

"Actually I'm wondering what I don't remember about last night,"I asked curiously.

"Nothing interesting. You'll be happy to know I was a total boy scout," he smiled lazily.

That face alone made me want to smother his face with kisses. Damn Zoey, control yourself."Oh really?"

"Yup, didn't peek, touch or try to cop a feel at all. Just tucked you in night and tight."

I laughed because I actually did vaguely remember him being so proper.

"I'm proud," I said yawning.

"So today...." He trailed off

"Today," I agreed.

"Busy day I guess."

"So what if..."

"What if what?"

"What if we just stayed married for a while?" I asked.

He laughed loudly until he noticed my serious expression "Are you serious?"

I shrugged "It would help us both."

"How?" he asked.

"Well, I wouldn't look so terrible divorcing, getting married and divorcing again," I explained.

He chuckled. "Maybe you're Ross and I'm Rachel."

"Stay with me Brian."

"Ok, ok..proceed," he replied. "What do I get out of it?"

"You get some press...for you and the band. Maybe you guys could even come into Warner Brothers and talk to them about a record deal," I suggested nonchalantly.

His eyes narrowed "You want us to sign with Warner? Is that what this is about?"

"No, no..I just might be good for you guys to talk to them. I can help with that. I mean Warner is a huge label," I kept babbling. "So..what do you think?"

Brian's POV

I let her wait. I knew she needed me more than I needed her in this situation. Not that it was a bad deal. Right? She liked me..I knew she did. It had been so long, maybe she even definitely liked me. And I liked her. Being married, even temporarily could be a good idea. She could put on a good show with the she never even married that jackass loser and I...well...I could focus on touring and making music instead of focusing on the responsibilities of having a girlfriend who cheated on me constantly. She probably wouldn't care if I screwed around on tour, since it wasn't a real marriage.

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