Beginning the Night

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Brian's POV

I heard my cellphone ring as pulled my jeans on. I grabbed my black t and pulled it on as it continued to ring. I saw Michelle's name and picture as I pressed the answer button.

"Hey Michelle," I said lightly "What's going on?"

"Hey Brian, how's it going?" she asked, her voice subdued.

"It's good," I replied as I ran my fingers through my hair. "Played some pool last night, hit the links today. Headed out to dinner now."

"I'm glad," she said sincerely.

We had an awkward silence before she spoke "Look Brian, I just wanted to say.... I'm sorry. I know I overreacted."

"Michelle," I said her name to cut her off. With everything that had happened in the last 24hrs and everything that was going to happen in the next, I was feeling really guilty "It's ok. It's just as much my fault as yours."

"No I shouldn't have said anything to Zacky. I was mad and I wanted to hurt you the way you hurt me."

I have to say that made me angry but I trudged forward "It worked out ok. He only punched me twice before Matt pulled him off of me. He's a strong little fucker."

We both chuckled.

"Maybe when you get back, we can go out of town, just you and me. You know, spend some time together," she suggested.

I sighed "I don't know, Chelle, we planned on doing some serious song writing for the new album in Matt's studio."

There was a long pause, and then she said, "Oh okay, I guess. Well maybe after, you can stay here with me...I'm closer to Matt and Val's anyway."

"I don't think that's a good idea, Chelle," I admitted, trying to be honest as I could.

"Why not?" she asked, a hint of anger in her tone.

Because I'm married to Zoey, I thought but didn't say. Instead I took a deep breath, "Because you want more than I can give right now. Because the sex is always good between us, but everything else is always a mess."

"What does that even mean Brian?" she asked angrily.

"It means that you basically almost destroyed our band by telling Zacky something that I'd managed to keep quiet."

"Because you didn't want him to..."

"It was a mistake, but it was mine and Zoey's mistake and our story to tell or not tell." I interrupted.

"You make it sound like this is all my fault," she cried.

"No, It's not just you, Chelle, I'm just not any good at relationships," I waited for her to speak but could only hear the sound of her soft tears

"But I love you, Brian."

"I love you too, Michelle...just not..not the way I should...not the way you deserve. "

"I get it, Brian. You don't have to say anything else. It's over," she said sobbing a bit at the end, making me feel like a loser.

"I gotta go," I said. "I'll call you when I get back"

"Goodbye Brian."

"Goodbye Michelle."


Leana opened the door to the hotel room as she pulled her foot into her heel. "Brian, you look like terrible. Are you ok?"

"Yeah, I'm ok. Michelle and I just broke up."

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