The News Gets Out

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Zacky and Brian left my room presumably to continue their whole weird male bonding forgiveness routine giving me alone time with my thoughts.

I checked my cell phone for the first time in about 24 hours. I had about 16 messages.

“Looks like some people have gotten the news,” I mumbled to myself as I called my voicemail. 

First Message Saturday 7:59pm from 657-555-6367

“Zoey Elizabeth Baker! This is your mother speaking. I need you to call me as soon as you get this message.”

Yeah, right mom, I’ll get right on that.

 Next message Saturday 8:16pm from 657-555-6367

“Zoey, this is your mother again. I need you to call me NOW. We have reporters calling here asking all kinds of questions. NOW Zoey, I’m serious.”

 Next message Saturday 8:37pm from 657-555-6367

“Zoey! You’re really making me angry. Your father is beside himself with worry that you haven’t called back and the reporters are saying you’re married again. CALL ME NOW ZOEY!”

 Oh wow, mom’s using the dad guilt trip thing now.

 Next message Saturday 9:08pm from 714-555-5161

“Um’s Matt. Mom keeps calling me to try to get in touch with you. Can you please call me back? She’s weirding me out and she keeps calling during my date with Katie Ryan. Call me.”

 Next message, Saturday 9:12pm from 657-555-8543

“Zoey, it’s Zina. married Brian? That’s what the reporters from this tabloid keep saying. Don’t ignore this message. Call me FIRST.”

 Next message, Saturday 9:15pm from 714-555-2329

“Um Zoey, it’s Lana. I’m getting some vaguely weird calls from reporters. Can you call me back??”

 Most of the other messages were from other friends, Hilary included who had already heard the news. The last two however were the most interesting.

 Next message, Saturday 10:42pm from 657-555-6366

“Zoey, it’s your father. I’ll bet your wondering how I got a cell phone. Well I only use it case of emergencies and since your mother calls you all the time, I hardly ever use it. But I still have it. In case of emergencies..and..this seems to qualify. I just wanted to say congratulations on your new husband. Brian’s a good guy. I’m a little pissed that he didn’t talk to me first but the last guy did and he turned out to be a…what is the word Matt uses all the time..a douchebag. So this is dad telling you congrats and that he loves you. That is all Zoey-bear.”

 Next message, Sunday 12:03am from 323-555-1478

“Zoey, it’s Lee. What the hell is going on? I’m getting reports and calls saying you married some guy named…where did I write it down…Synyster Gates. Are you out of your mind? Call me Zoey, please. I’m worried about you.”

 Yeah right…sure you are. Not calling you back ever. Ok, let’s start with…hmmm…Zina.

I dialed her number and she picked up on the second ring.

 “What the hell Zoey?” she demanded.

“Good morning to you too Zina,” I said trying to keep my voice happy.

She sighed “Good morning Zoey..wanna tell me what’s going on? Mom is freaking out.”

“Depends,” I wavered “What have you heard?”

“You know what I’ve heard,” she said exasperated.

“It’s true. I married him.” Might as well get to the point.

“Why?” she asked. She didn’t seem upset like Zacky did, just curious.

“True love,” I offered.

She laughed “Ok so now the truth.”

“We were drunk.”

She laughed “Believe me, he wasn’t that drunk. Brian always knows exactly what he’s doing. Where is he now?” 

I considered telling her about the drugged drinks before I replied. “Off somewhere kissing Zacky’s ass.”

“Are you okay?” Zina asked big sister sincerity oozing from her voice.

“Yeah,” I said hoarsely. Selling this was going to be harder than I thought.“I’m fine.”

“Cool, so what’s the official story?” she asked getting down to business.

“Brian and I came to Las Vegas to celebrate Zacky’s engagement. The sparks flew, and we realized how much we’d always loved each other. We decided we’d wasted too much time being apart, so we got married. You don’t know for sure where we are, but you suspect we’re still holed up at the MGM enjoying an impromptu honeymoon, and we’ll be coming back to Huntington after a few days.” my voice snagged in my throat. “Would you call mom tell her the same thing?  Tell them I’ll head straight there after we get home.”

“Of course I will, but, Zoey, I’m really worried about you. Do you want—” 

“No, I’m okay. Zacky’s here.”

“Alright Zoey but remember, if he ever tries to hurt you in any way, promise you’ll come to me for help,” she pleaded.

“You make it sound like he’s going to beat me,” I managed a strangled laughed

 “There are different kinds of hurt. You’ve never been rational about him.” 

“That was a long time ago. We’re not the same people.” 

“I know but promise me anyway.”

“Ok Z, I promise.”

“Love you Zoes.”

“Love you too Zina,” I said before hanging up.

For some reason I felt the sting of tears in my eyes. I took about thirty minutes just to lie on my bed before plunging ahead and dialing Hilary’s number.

 “Hey!” came her loud voice after a few rings.

“Hey Hilary, what’s up?”

“Hmmm, not much here. You know same old, same old…publicity events for new artists, a date last night, hearing one of my best friend’s got married in Vegas.”

“Did you set up the schedule for the Grammy event?” I asked stalling.

“Yup, it’s under control.Now explain what’s really going on, not that cockamamie bull Zina just told me about you and Mr. Guitar Sexy getting nostalgic over your childhood..”

“That’s my story, and we’re all sticking to it, okay?” 

“You told me it never went passed that night on the boat and then all of sudden he shows up a couple of days before your divorce is final and poof, suddenly married. So spill..”

“Please, Hills, I’ll explain everything when I get into town, I promise.”

“When are you coming home?”

“I’m actually moving to Huntington with Brian until we decide a more permanent arrangement,” I explained.

“Are you kidding?”

“Fraid not,”I admitted, thinking of Brian’s sad one bedroom apartment.

She finally relented. “I’m going to let this go for now, but the minute you arrive in LA, we’re going to have a long talk.”  

“Deal,” I sighed before hanging up. 

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