Hold Your Temper

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Zoey's POV

"Did you get a hold of the guys?" I asked as we met up outside my hotel room after I'd changed.

"Yeah, Johnny said the guys are hitting Shadow Creek this afternoon for a 2pm tee time and Matt set the girls up for a spa day at the one inside Encore," he explained placing his aviators on his face.

I nodded as I followed behind him. "So I guess I'll meet up with the girls then. A spa day sounds great. Are you up for some golf?"

He shrugged as he pressed the down button on the elevator.

"I feel like Ross and Rachel. They got married in Vegas too while they were drunk. It was a mess-"

"Except Ross and Rachel don't really exist. And there is no way in hell you can compare me with that nerdy mother fucker," he replied sarcastically and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"I thought you liked dinosaurs?" I asked and I was rewarded with a glare.

Neither of us spoke while we rode the elevator to the first floor. As he kept his eyes on the numbers on the elevator display, I let myself examine him closely. He looked almost as good clothed as he did naked.

We entered the hallway and headed toward the Casino exit. As Brian held the door open, a blast of afternoon heat swept over us. I squinted against the sun and stepped outside. A camera snapped in my face.

"Congratulations," the cameraman blurted clicking away. "In the words of my Irish grandmother, 'May you be poor in misfortunes and rich in blessings.'"

Brian just stood there, his hand on the door and his jaw clenched.

There was no way in hell I was going to let this jackass bother me, and I plastered on my best Zoey Baker smile. "It's nice to have your grandmother's blessing. But what for?"

This photographer was sloppy. His clothes were wrinkled and his eyes were bloodshot. "I've seen a copy of your marriage license, and I talked with the guy who performed the ceremony. He gave an exclusive interview,"he continued to shoot as he spoke. "It'll be all over the wires within a few hours, so you might as well give me the story. I promise I'll send you a great wedding present." He shifted his angle again. "How long have you been-"

"There's no story." Brian whipped an arm around my waist and yanked me back into the building.

The photographer caught the door before it closed and followed us in. "Have you talked to Lee? Does he know about this? Were you cheating on him with this guy while you were married?"

"Back off," Brian growled, his face turning red as he shoved me behind him.

"Come on, Gates. You know the score as well as I do. This is a big story. Ex-Wife of the biggest pop star of the year marries hard rocker childhood friend. Zoey, are you take the last name Gates? Or are you going to go with Haner? Both are a nice addition to Baker. Does your brother know?"

I gasped at how much research he had done.

"I said back off." Brian lunged for the camera.

I grabbed his hand and held on "Please Brian, don't!"

The photographer quickly stepped back, took one final shot, and ducked out the door. "No hard feelings."

Brian shook my hand off and started after him.

"Stop it!" I yelled as I blocked the door with my body. "What good will smashing his camera do?"

"It'll make me feel better," he growled as he tried to push passed me.

"You can't solve all your problems with your fists,"I protested placing my hand on his chest.

"As opposed to smiling at any asshole that treats you like shit and pretending life's just peachy?" He narrowed his eyes at me, his face looking down on me. Damn I hated being short.

"An asshole like you?" I asked.

He managed to look apologetic. He opened his mouth and then closed it quickly. Whatever was going to say was replaced with "The next time I decide to deck somebody, stay the fuck out of my way."

"Fuck you, Brian." I spat as I moved out of his way and made my way back to the elevator, back to my hotel suite, back to bed where I could at least in the meantime, hide from the situation.

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