Back to Work

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I used Halestorm in this chapter even though they aren't a WB artist. I just love them!

Zoey’s POV

Waking up for work this morning after a long adventurous weekend was more than I bargained for. I drank so much over the weekend in addition to being drugged, my liver was jumping for joy when I started the day with three tall glasses of water instead of coffee.

Dragging myself into the office, I decided to bite the bullet and talk to Hilary first. I walked into her office where she was already sitting at her desk reading. File folders were everywhere and her guest chairs were loaded with them.

“Nice haircut,” she looked up at me over the paper she was reviewing, one eyebrow lifted.

“Thanks,” I said giving a wide smile “I needed a know after everything.”

“Uh huh,” she looked at her paper and them back at me “Have a seat.”

I picked up the folders and placed them on an empty corner of her desk and plopped myself into the empty chair.

She waited until I was settled “So what gives?”

“I love him,” I said it just like I rehearsed.

“You love him?” she said nodding “And he loves you?”

I shrugged “Maybe not as much but he has feelings for me. It was enough for us to get married.”

“And you think this is a good idea? After only a few days.”

“Technically I’ve known Brian all my life. I know who he is. He knows me. It was just a matter

of getting together on the same page.”

“And marrying him on the spur of the moment in Vegas was the right time?”

“Hills, I dated Lee for a year before we got married and it turned out to be a disaster. I took a chance and married Brian after a few days. Maybe the reverse will work better.”

She looked at me with her eyebrow raised “You know this is a recipe for disaster. He’s a musician. They’re all the same. Once they get on tour, girls are everywhere.”

“Matt has been married to Val for years and he hasn’t cheated,” I said hoping it was true.

“Doesn’t she tour with them?” Hilary asked.

Damn, she had me there. “Yeah..she does. Well Zacky is marrying Gena.”

“Oh St. Zacky, forgot about him. How do you know he hasn’t cheated?” she asked.

“I don’t and I don’t know that Johnny and Jimmy haven’t either but if you saw the way they look at Lacey and Leana, you’d believe…”

“Believe what? That their dicks don’t rule the world once they get on tour?”

“It’s a chance. Some people are willing to take it.”

“Yeah but I thought you’d have learned your lesson by now.”

I chuckled “Some people just can’t be instructed I guess.”

“And now you’ve got the right teacher?” she asked annoyance in her tone.

“I don’t know. Brian may be as big of a fuckup as Lee but I’ll never know if I don’t take a chance.”

Her expression softened “Oh Zoes, I hope you know what you’re doing.”

“Me too, Hills, me too.”


I was lucky I had a new band, Halestorm, come in for their first recording takes. I had a good feeling about them. Their lead singer was gorgeous and awesomely talented. We spent most of the day going over the tracks they’d already written for their first album and what changes needed to be made. We were going to lay down the first audio sessions, when Alex’s head popped in.

“Zoey, can I see you for a few minutes?” he asked but I knew it wasn’t really a question.

“Alex, we’re kind of in the middle of laying down the drums for this track,” I tried to say with some authority.

Alex looked at the band, almost as if seeing them for the first time and then back at me “This will literally take 5 minutes. Chris can take over for 5 minutes.”

I sighed and spoke to Chris “I’ll be back. Try a few different takes. We’ll decide which sounds best when I get back.”

Walking out of the studio, Alex stopped in the hallway. “I hear congratulations are in order.”

“Did you take me out of session to congratulate me? I’m working, Alex,”I said irritated.

“Relax, I’m just making sure we have things on board for your guys to come in this week.”

“Here’s the thing, Alex, I passed on the info from Brian to give to Larry. I assume you’ve got a top notch producer coming in for the hook,” I replied.

“We’ve got Mudrock coming in.”

I nodded. Everyone knew Andrew Murdock was one of the best to work with. “Then my piece is over. It’s up to you guys to get the signatures.”

“I’m sure you can do some convincing with your new husband. Maybe you can be in the meeting and try to get it on the production credits,” he pressed.

“No I can’t. I have my own projects going that don’t involve Avenged Sevenfold. Can I get back to the studio now?”

I didn’t wait for his answer. I just walked away. 

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