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Zoey's POV

The next day Hiliary handed over the new issue of Flash. A pic of me and Brian walking along the beach, managing to look at each other with what might be construed as happiness was plastered alongside of the photo of Michelle and Brian engaged in a lip lock during the New York trip with the blaring headlines: Honeymoon Bliss Over?

"Ugh," I cried "I can't look at that. And I know you're waiting to say it. So get it over with already."

Hilary moved to the window in my office and stared out "Say what?"

"I told you so," I said burying my face in my hands.

She turned from the window. "Why would I want to say that?"

I lifted my face to look at her "Because you were right?"

She gave me an unsure look "You might want to actually read the story."

"Why would I want to read that?" I said miserably "He already confessed."

"Yeah, he did but did you ever think to consider he was telling you the truth," she asked.

"He did tell me the truth."

"Well the pictures in there don't look like she was too happy."

"Doesn't matter,Hills, he fucked up," I replied.

"Yeah he fucked up but he did send her away and the story confirms they were arguing so maybe..."

"Maybe what?" I snapped "Get to the fucking point."

She shrugged "So maybe you should give him the benefit of the doubt."

"Just a few weeks ago, you were telling me I made a huge mistake," I said in disbelief.

She smiled "I did, didn't I? Don't get me wrong, I have my doubts. It's just I've seen how happy you've been. You gotta talk to him anyway."

"I don't know," I said doubtfully. "But I guess I have to figure it out."

"Well you two have to step out together. I mean if you're planning on working it out. Make a united front to the press," she offered.

I nodded. We probably did have to figure out what we were going to do. How we were going to try to fix this.

"Are they in studio yet?" I asked.

"Probably," she nodded.

I flipped through the magazine as I waiting for the courage to call Brian on his cell.

People were stunned by her shocking Las Vegas elopement with former child hood friend and bad boy Brian Haner Jr. Friends confirm Haner and Michelle Dibenedetto had been off and on for years with a tempestuous relationship. No one ever considered them serious enough for marriage but most were shocked when Haner married bandmate Zacky Vengeance's younger sister.

Sources confirm Dibenedetto was recently offered a long term contract with Gorges de Soleil cosmetics and has remained on location in New York after the pictures were taken of her and Haner.

Haner returned to California and has declined comment on the photos.

Zoey Baker has not been contacted for comment but Brian Haner Sr confirms their relationship seems to be on good terms and that the couple has quite a bit in common, which should make working out this particular misunderstanding a sure thing.

Other than mutual anger at each other, I couldn't think of a thing we had in common. But props to Papa Gates for supporting us. I tossed the magazine aside.

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