Seemed Like A Good Idea at the Time part two

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Brian’s POV

It’s true. I was a jerk. I took her virginity, basically patted her on the head like she just passed me the salt and walked out of the room. I walked back to the boys, had a few rounds of beers and pretended not to see her when she walked back to the girls, a bit unsteady but head held high. Not my finest moment but what can I say?  I was drunk. I was hurt by Michelle and I was lashing out in any way I could think of. It was only when I figured out that I had been right, she was a virgin, that I realized that I was a total fuck up.

By then it was too late to turn back. Her dark hair was fanned about behind her with her green eyes staring up at me…she was fucking beautiful.

 I knew afterward there would be hell to pay with Zacky but he never mentioned it to me. I guess it’s not like little sisters tell big brothers about the guys who bust their cherry. I mean seriously, what brother wants to know that information. I kept my mouth shut and I let her me ignore for the rest of the night. I watched her over my beer bottle and frequently smiled to myself when I saw her laugh at something Leana or Gena was whispering to her.  She smiled widely at Johnny who reached over to touch her arm or shoulder whenever he had the chance. He settled in close which stirred a feeling of irritation in my chest. She laughed at Zacky’s stupid jokes and joined in his storytelling about their exploits as kids. I stood on the outside of the group listening to the conversation and ignored the girls that I had been partying with.

I watched Zoey’s animated face. She showed no sign of what happened between us. She hadn’t gotten all girly over what had just happened. She’s just taken it in stride and pretty much showed me that she couldn’t have cared less. That stung a bit. I admit I was full of myself thinking she’d cry and make a scene. But she didn’t

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