It's A Date

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Brian's POV

So I shouldn't have had that entire bottle of Jack Daniel's but I needed something to sooth me to sleep the night before. And that's exactly what I had after Zoey went to bed. I thought dinner with my parents went okay for the most part. I mean other than McKenna making herself a royal pain in the ass. I thought it was funny because for the most part, Mac wasn't a Michelle fan. Did Zoey find her as humorous as I did? Not so much. The result was an argument. But not the knock down drag out type of argument I was used to. She pretty much surrendered before we could get to the great makeup sex. I have to admit, it threw me for a loop. And since it had been about 24 hours since I had a drink, I downed a bottle while fiddling with the ring that had been thrown at my head. Before heading off to my own bedroom, I opened the door slowly to Zoey's room. She was asleep, a little bit of a distressed look on her face, the blankets tangled around her, Pinkly settled in close to her side. She lifted her head as I got close.

"Traitor," I murmured softly to the dog who put her head back down, effectively letting me know whose side she was taking.

I placed Zoey's ring on her nightstand for her to find the next morning and then crawled in bed alone.

We had a meeting with Warner Brothers this morning that Zoey had helped set up so I knew as much as I wanted to, I couldn't stay in bed all day. I dragged myself to my feet and started toward the coffee maker. I noticed that a mug had already been used and was turned upside down in the sink. I guessed Zoey had left for work already. I made a fresh pot of coffee and headed to the shower. Once in, I let the hot water run down my body and it seemed to relax me and soothe my hangover. Afterwards I threw on some jeans, a t shirt, ran my hands through my hair and waited for the guys to pick me up.

Matt's black Suburban pulled in front of my house and he honked continuously until I came outside.

"Yes, yes, Matthew, I fucking hear you," I shouted as I locked up the house.

"How was your second night of married life?" he asked, his dimples flashing as I sat in the front seat and pulled my seatbelt on.

"Everything I ever dreamed it would be," I said as I put my aviators on.

"Unlimited sex?" he cracked and I heard Johnny snicker.

"Oh yeah, she rocked my world all night long," I said in a flat tone.

"Haven't even been married week," Matt laughed shaking his head. "And you're already fighting."

"What did you fight about?"Johnny asked. "She didn't like the ring? Man, we spent all day.."

"No, it wasn't the ring," I cut him off

"What ring?" Matt asked looking from me to Johnny

I looked out of the window without answering and Johnny took it as a sign to keep quiet.

"You bought her a ring?" Matt pressed. "Like a real wedding ring? Like you went into a store and picked out a ring for your wife?"

"Um yeah," I said firmly "What's the big deal?"

Matt shook his head as he drove "Just not something I expected from you, big man."

"Why not? You think you're the only dude that has good taste in big jewelry?" I asked.

"Technically I helped," Johnny added and I glared.

"That's just a big step for ole Brian. I thought you'd let her pick her own ring and be done with it. But I'm proud. Good job man. But that can't be why you fought," Matt continued.

I frowned "We fought over stupid shit."

"So she shut you down?" Johnny asked "I thought you guys would get it on all night. I mean seriously you were hot and heavy over the weekend."

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