Chapter Twenty-Five-

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Fallenleaf buried his nose in Doveclaw's fur, whimpering. Scorchflower broke out of her frozen state, and moved slowly towards Fallenleaf. He looked up at Scorchflower. His eyes were clouded with grief.

"We need to bring her back to camp." He choked out. Scorchflower nodded, padding forward to lift Doveclaw's body up.

Doveclaw's body was heavy, bringing Scorchflower down as Fallenleaf struggled to get Doveclaw off the ground.

"Fallenleaf, I'm so sorry." Scorchflower mewed as they came close to camp. He grunted in reply, keeping his eyes down.

"Fallenleaf! Scorchflower! What happened?" Adderleaf exclaimed as they came into the camp. A crowd started to gather.

"Those rogues. We're just lucky they didn't eat her." Scorchflower sighed. Adderleaf dipped her head, and grasped Doveclaw's scruff. Fallenleaf, head down, padded over to Deathstar's den. His tail dragged on the ground behind him. Pity and sadness flashed through Scorchflower. Blue flashed at the edge of here vision. Waterpaw stared in disbelief at Doveclaw being pulled away. Scorchflower placed her tail over Waterpaw's shoulders.

"Here, Waterpaw, Let's go to the grassy hollow so we can battle train." Scorchflower nudged Waterpaw towards the camp entrance. Waterpaw nodded uncertainly, following Scorchflower out of camp.


"Dodge, Waterpaw!" Scorchflower sighed, irritated. Waterpaw shook the dust from her pelt as she jumped back up. Her eyes burned with anger. She lashed her tail. Scorchflower circled Waterpaw.

"Are you okay?" Scorchflower questioned. Waterpaw looked up.

"I'm fine. Our clan is being picked off one by one, our leader is on her last life because of greencough, and we have absolutely no clue why someone is eating our warriors!" Waterpaw exclaimed. Scorchflower stopped.

"Waterpaw, things happen. Right now, it's newleaf. In a few moons it will be greenleaf. Things come, things pass. This is like a hard leafbare. Our newleaf will be soon, I promise you. If it doesn't, Deathstar will find a way to keep us safe." Scorchflower promised. Waterpaw shuffled her paws nervously. Scorchflower tipped her head, and flicked her tail. "Come, it's almost dark."


Just an author's note. So, it may seem Fallenleaf is too old for Scorchflower. Fallenleaf was meant to be an apprentice in the alliances, just about halfway in his training. Blackfang, now Blackfang was quite a bit older than Scorchflower. XD     Oh well. Anyways, this is REALLY, SUPER DUPER, SO FREAKIN HAPPY NEWS. This book, in ONE DAY, got OVER 300 READS! IN ONE DAY! IT NOT ONLY BROKE MY ONE DAY RECORD, IT BROUGHT US OVER OUR 2000 MARK, AND A FIFTH OF THE WAY TO 3000!! I WAS FREAKING OUT SO MUCH WHEN I SAW THAT! This little kingdom is growing quite fast! I'm so proud of you guys! Thank you for your wonderful support!!


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