Chapter Eight-

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*Following Willowswipe*

"Come at me like you would an enemy." Tinyclaw, the new deputy, challenged Willowswipe. She narrowed her eyes. They were all in the new part of camp; the training area. The entrance was a hole by the warriors den, and it expanded into a huge dusty clearing much like the training hollow. That was the new training spot. So far, the only ones in the new spot were Willowswipe, Tinyclaw, Flamedove, Bluestrike, and Goldenpaw. Flamedove had started to work more with Goldenpaw, and Bluestrike with Tinyclaw and Willowswipe. "Come on, Willo-"

She lunged at him midsentence, and knocked him on the ground. Their claws didn't come out, but they fought like enemies. Willowswipe slid under him, and pawed his belly, then hooked his back paws so He fell down on the spot she was moments before. He fell down, and Bluestrike pounced on him.

"Good teamwork. Now, time for something even more difficult. I know I put up a fight," his meow was laced with a teasing tone. "But this will be even harder."

"What is it?" Willowswipe and Bluestrike asked at the same time, bouncing up and down.

"All three of us will be enemies, but if one of us is pinned, act like the pinned cat is a clanmate. Sound good?" Tinyclaw shook his pelt.

"Let's go!" Bluestrike bounced onto Tinyclaw, and pinned him. Willowswipe barreled into Bluestrike's side, and pushed her off. They tumbled to the ground, and Tinyclaw lept into the fray. Flamedove and Goldenpaw turned to watch the mock battle. Goldenpaw purred when Flamedove rested his tail around her shoulders.

"We need to talk later." Flamedove whispered to Goldenpaw. She nodded. Willowswipe wrapped her paws gently around Bluestrike's neck, and stood on Tinyclaw's stomach.

"You win." Bluestrike gasped. All three of them were panting. Willowswipe hopped off both of them, and started to clean her pelt. Bluestrike and Tinyclaw did the same.

"You were great Willowswipe!" Goldenpaw called. Willowswipe looked at her sister with surprise. She just....congratulated me? Willowswipe stared in disbelief. Willowswipe noticed a look pass in-between Goldenpaw and Flamedove. Oh.

"Thanks." Willowswipe purred. "Flamedove, wanna try?"

Flamedove looked at all three of the exhausted warriors.

"It depends who I'm up against."

"I'll go in." Bluestrike volunteered.

"As will I." Tinyclaw stood up. Flamedove sighed in relief.

"Then yes, I will participate. Sorry Willowswipe, I don't think I would be a good opponent for you." He shot an apologetic glance in her direction as they switched spots. Willowswipe couldn't help but notice the sadness in her sister's eyes when Flamedove padded away to do the mock battle. The three warriors crouched in a triangle, tails flicking back and forth. Tinyclaw was the first to move. He launched himself at Flamedove, and they rolled over in a cloud of dust. Bluestrike waited until Flamedove had Tinyclaw pinned, then wrapped her paws around his neck gently. She bent her back, and flipped Flamedove over her so she could pin him. Tinyclaw slipped under Flamedove before He fell and pushed him up, tackling Bluestrike. Willowswipe watched the battle with an intense stare, memorizing the moves. She felt a pelt brush up against her, and turned to see Nightstar sitting next to her. A purr rumbled in her throat as she crept closer.

"Is this a new training style? It looks interesting." Nightstar murmured. Willowswipe nodded.

"Everyone is an enemy, but if someone gets pinned, that can is like an ally, you have to attack the cat on top of them. I think it's neat because you have to protect and attack at the same time. Tinyclaw came up with it." Willowswipe added. Nightstar looked thoughtful.

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