Chapter Eighteen-

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"M-mother?" Deathmoon whispered. Willowswipe smiled.

"It's been a long time, my dear." Willowswipe purred. Deathmoon forced herself to stay still. "Now, I must tell you important things. Beware the feather of gold, do not trust the ice flower, and there's one more....."

"What is it?" Deathmoon questioned.

"I learned of a new prophecy that contains mine and yours.

The great willow will help the death, and gold and gold will fight to the death. Night will fall, along with the Jag, and two will face, the good and the bad. Blood will spill, and blood will cover the hill, But one will win, and the other will die, because in the battle of good and evil, your heart never lies.

It will lead you on your path. Forget the first one. It holds minor meaning to you. It's what we had at the time." Willowswipe started straight ahead.

"TWO PROPHECIES?! I'M NOT SPECIAL! I DON'T WANT TO BE DIFFERENT!" Deathmoon screeched. Willowswipe flinched.

"I didn't ask to be different either, But yet, here we are." Willowswipe started to fade.

"WAIT!" Deathmoon cried.

"Why did you change your name?" The voice swirled in the wind before Deathmoon jumped awake.

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