Chapter Seven-

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Deathpaw looked at the cats. They didn't look pleased.

"Yeah sure." The black tom snorted. Deathpaw pushed herself up, and glared at him.

"I'm sure my name is much more.....suiting than yours." She sneered. The tom's eyes flashed with anger.

"My name is Shadefrost, foxdung." He snarled. Deathpaw took pleasure in how angered he was just by her talking. But the name hit her. Shadefrost. She liked it. The silver she-cat stepped in front of Shadefrost as he tried to step forward.

"Enough." She snapped. "We're taking her to Jaggedstar."

"But why can't she have some wounds to show?" Shadefrost complained. The silver she-cat shut him up with a glare. She turned back to Deathpaw.

"Come on." She commanded. She must be the leader of the party. Deathpaw padded behind her, the apprentice to her right, the gray Tom to her left, and Shadefrost behind her. She didn't bother memorizing the path to the camp, she wouldn't hurt her new clan. Well, she would hurt Shadefrost. Maybe.

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