Chapter Twenty-Six-

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~Three Sunrises Later~

Scorchflower stood outside Deathstar's den, waiting.

"Deathstar?" She called softly. A string of coughs and wheezes answered. Scorchflower hesitated before pushing into the den.

The sour scent of sickness hit Scorchflower's nose. She pushed back the bile that rose in the back of her throat as she padded to where Deathstar lay.

Deathstar's normally neat, sleek black pelt was matted, lumps of fur missing. Her breathing was rough and jagged, barely there. Scorchflower prodded her.

"Deathstar?" Scorchflower mewed quietly. Deathstar's head rose, revealing dull, tired eyes. Her jaws parted in a yawn.

"Not yet my dear." Deathstar mumbled. Scorchflower tilted her head in confusion. "I must talk to Scorchflower first, then I will come."

"Deathstar? Are you okay? I came to check on you." Scorchflower glanced around the cave. Deathstar coughed.

"Scorchflower, I couldn't have chosen a better deputy." Deathstar tried to purr, but it came out as a rattled wheeze. Scorchflower sat down, curling her tail neatly around her paws. "You'll do well to serve this clan as leader."

"Deathstar...." Scorchflower whispered. Deathstar set her head down as a painful cough came out. Pity washed over Scorchflower as her leader struggled for breath. "Do you want me to get Freezeherb?"

"No, I only want you, my deputy here on my final journey." Deathstar wheezed. Scorchflower nodded, and laid down next to Deathstar. Deathstar's breaths came out more rapidly, her ribs showing with every breath.

" I've missed you so." Deathstar murmured. Her head tilted to the side, her not being able to control it. Scorchflower licked Deathstar's head, ignoring the heat that met her tongue.

"Deathstar, I promise to lead your clan well. Leave without a worry." Scorchflower soothed. Deathstar sighed.

"Scorchflower, when Waterpaw gets her warrior name, name her Waterswipe, for me." Deathstar panted. Scorchflower was tempted to ask why, but kept her jaws shut as she nodded.

"Yes. I will." Scorchflower promised. Deathstar sighed once again, and took a deep breath.

"Lead my clan well." Deathstar mewed as her last breath escaped her. Pain gripped Scorchflower's heart, making her choke.

"Goodbye...." Scorchflower whispered. She pushed her nose against Deathstar, breathing in her scent one last time before standing up. Her paws, heavy with grief, carried her outside.

Wind tugged at Scorchflower's fur as she stood in front of the clan. They all whispered and chatted amongst themselves, nervous about the news. Scorchflower cast her gaze around them, watching the clan-- her clan -- as they talked. She puffed out her chest, and stepped up right to the edge.

"Please listen!" Scorchflower yowled. All heads turned towards her, and all voices hushed. Nervousness flashed over her for a moment. She continued. "Deathstar has passed."

Cries rang around the camp. None seemed to sound surprised. Scorchflower felt sadness well up inside her again.

"I will travel to the Moon Tree tonight with Fallenleaf. Since I will be gone all night, I need to appoint my deputy." Scorchflower said hesitantly. She looked around at the cats gathered. Yellowfur? She's a great warrior and leader.....Scorchflower wondered. Then, the perfect name came to mind. "Angelclaw! Will you be my deputy?"

The firey golden and white she-cat stepped up, her green eyes flashing. Her tail lashed once.

"I would be honored." She replied. Scorchflower held back a purr.

"I promise to all of you I will do my best as your leader, I will not back down from the challenge the rogues are pushing on us!" Scorchflower yowled. The clan screeched their approval. Pride flowed through Scorchflower. She turned her green eyes back on the sparked crowd. She caught Waterpaw's eye. Waterpaw glanced away. Scorchflower jumped down, slipping through the excited clan.

"Ready?" Fallenleaf asked once Scorchflower had made it to the medicine cat den. The bundle of herbs in front of her gave off a sour smell. Scorchflower nodded, and bent down to swallow them.

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