Chapter Three-

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*Following Willowkit*

"Until you get your warrior name, you Will be known as Willowpaw. Sharpnose Will be your mentor." Ravenstar announced. Willowpaw filled with pride. Nightpaw was watching her from the entrance of the Apprentice den, eyes gleaming with pride. She dipped her head and headed to him.

"Congratulations Willowpaw!" Skytail stepped in front of Willowpaw, purring. Willowpaw's steps faltered as she tried not to run into Skytail.

"Uh...thanks." Willowpaw leaned to look at Nightpaw over Skytail's shoulder. He was sitting next to Goldenpaw. Willowpaw's tail drooped, and looked at Skytail.

Goldenpaw tried to get closer to Nightpaw. Nightpaw stood up, and stepped away. Goldenpaw curled her tail over her paws.

"Nightpaw, can my nest be next to yours?" Goldenpaw purred. Nightpaw took another step away.

"Maybe. I want Willowpaw to be next to me." Nightpaw padded towards Willowpaw, Just barely hearing Goldenpaw's hiss of annoyance. Goldenpaw stormed away from the den, and headed to the entrance when Flamepaw jumped next to her.

"Can I come?" He asked, and Goldenpaw let her head droop.

"Yeah....sure." Goldenpaw muttered. Flamepaw hopped alongside her, chattering as she ignored him. The bushes rustled, then they were gone.

Nightpaw watched Willowpaw try to get away from Skytail, and failing.

"I-im sorry, but I need to talk to Nightpaw." Willowpaw stepped to the side and squeezed past Skytail as she padded away. Willowpaw fluffed out her fur and jumped right in front of Nightpaw. He swiped at her face, and then jumped on her. She was flattened, then she rolled over, pinning Nightpaw.

"I win!" She yowled. The nearby warriors laughed.

"Yes O Great Willowpaw. I surrender." Nightpaw meowed mockingly. Willowpaw hopped off, and curled her tail over her paws as she sat down. Nightpaw pushed himself up, and shook his black pelt.

"You two done goofing around?" Sharpnose appeared behind Willowpaw, making her jump. Her fur stood on in, making Nightpaw laugh. She smoothed her fur down, and licked her chest in embarrassment."Can we go now?"

"Y-yeah..." Willowpaw padded after the retreating Sharpnose. Nightpaw fixed his sharp gaze on her back.

"Cya later Willowpaw!" Nightpaw called. Willowpaw smiled, and her and Sharpnose pushed past the camp entrance.

"We will be practicing hunting. Don't roll your eyes at me." Sharpnose joked. The leaves rustled and the bushed scraped on their fur as they reached the training hollow. The dirt was dusty and light, clawmarks were still in the sandy dirt from the last pair that trained here. Sharpnose sprayed dirt as she crossed the hollow so she and Willowpaw were on opposite sides.

"Show me your best hunter's crouch." Sharpnose commanded. Willowpaw immediately dropped down so her bellyfur was just brushing the ground. Her paws were spread out perfectly, her tail was sticking straight out, balancing her.

"Perfect!" Sharpnose purred. "You're a natural."

Willowpaw dipped her head at the praise. I'm sure all mentors say that.

"I'm better at battling than hunting." Willowpaw announced. Sharpnose sat down and let her tail flick dust up.

"Then shred that leaf." She pointed to a leaf far up with her tail. It was drifting slowly down. Willowpaw crouched, muscles bunched, and stared at the leaf. She launched herself up, and her claws got caught in the leaf, and she landed on her paws. The leaf was stuck to her claws. She flicked her paw, trying to dislodge the leaf. She hissed in annoyance.

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