Chapter Twelve-

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"Are you okay?" Scorchpaw asked Foxtooth. Foxtooth had been brought to the medicine cat den last sunrise, but he hadn't moved since. He had slept through the night and morning, just waking up at sunhigh.

"I'm fine." Foxtooth purred. Scorchpaw sighed in relief. Foxtooth leaned over to lick his side, but stopped when the scent of herbs hit him. His nose scrunched up, and he turned his head away. He turned his gaze onto Scorchpaw.

"Can you send Darkstar in here?" He asked. Scorchpaw nodded, and squeezed out of the den.

Darkstar was sitting next to the entrance of the den, as if he was waiting. Scorchpaw dipped her head to him.

"Foxtooth wants to talk to you." Scorchpaw told him. He brushed past her, and into the den. Scorchpaw snuck to the crack next to the den, and pressed her ear against the wall.

"Scorchpaw needs a new mentor. Until I am better." Foxtooth's voice came to her.

"Like who? You're the best to train her. Besides, Blazeheart isn't here. He can't train her. That's the only one that trains like you." Darkstar argued. Silence fell for a few moments.

"Blazeheart died, yes. But he had another apprentice." Foxtooth paused. "Darkwater would be a good mentor for her. I want him to mentor her while I am injured. I am worried it will be a while. On the same subject, Ravenpaw needs to be punished. She attacked three clanmates. With claws. Viciously."

"I am aware. I heard Swiftwing punished her already, but this calls for something more severe. She is eight moons, correct?" Darkstar asked.


"She is going back to a kit. For three moons as she takes care of the Elders." Darkstar finally replied. Scorchpaw's jaw dropped. A kit? Ravenpaw is going to be so mad!

"That is a fair punishment. She would have killed Scorchpaw if I hadn't leaped in front of her." Foxtooth groaned.

"I am going to go get Darkwater. Don't bother coming to the clan meeting if you aren't feeling well." Darkstar emerged a few moments later, startling Scorchpaw. She scrambled to stand up.

"You heard everything, didn't you." It was more if a statement than a question. Scorchpaw nodded. Darkstar sighed, and padded away. Scorchpaw watched him leave before ducking back into the den.

~Time Lapse of 1 Sunrise~

"Darkwater, are you sure?" Darkstar looked saddened by his friend's choice. The black tom nodded. "Okay. I respect your decision. Darkwater, we honor how many moons you hunted for us, how many battles you fought, how many borders you marked. Thank you for your service to me and your clan. We Welcome you to the Elders den, hoping you have many seasons of good rest." Darkstar dipped his head to Darkwater. Darkwater padded over to the Elders. They welcomed him with purrs. "Now. Since Foxtooth is hurt, Scorchpaw needs a new mentor. So, the only cat I can think can handle is a new warrior. Blackfang, you will be Scorchpaw's new mentor until Foxtooth is healed."

Scorchpaw's jaw dropped. Blackfang nodded, and Darkstar continued.

"Also. Ravenpaw attacked three clanmates, viciously. She could have killed Scorchpaw if Foxtooth hadn't jumped in front of her. Ravenpaw, you are no longer an apprentice. You will be known as Ravenkit, and you will be serving the Elders for three moons, when you earn your apprentice name." Darkstar looked down at Ravenkit. Her face was a mixture of horror, shock, and rage. Her pelt was fluffed up, her ears pinned back, her claws out, her teeth bared. Swiftwing blocked her as she lunged for the rock. Darkstar watched her, eyes flaring. He stepped forward, and jumped off the rock. He strode through the parting crowd, stopping once he was in front of Ravenkit. She snarled at him from behind Swiftwing.

"Let her go." Darkstar ordered Swiftwing. Swiftwing hesitated before stepping away. Ravenkit lashed her tail, and crouched. Darkstar glared at her.

"Stop. You aren't showing that you deserve to be an apprentice. I will extend your kitship." Darkstar growled. Ravenkit hissed.

"I hate you." She spat. Darkstar raised his muzzle, daring her to act upon her hatred. Then she did.

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