Chapter Nine-

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"Clan! We have a cat that wants to join our vicious ranks!" Jaggedstar yowled to the gathered clan. Gasps filled the camp, it wasn't often that a cat wanted to join Leafclan. Jaggedstar waited for the sound to go down before continuing. "So I have decided. Since we don't just let them join, we're going to have a little fun."

"What?" A cat yowled from the crowd.

"Stripefur, I will tell you." A grin erupted on Jaggedstar's face. "She will be fighting Sparkpaw. Sparkpaw, do you accept the challenge?"

"I do, Jaggedstar." A large brown and red Tom stood up. Deathpaw's hope dropped. She couldn't defeat him.

"Come up here." Jaggedstar commanded. The tom leaped up with a single motion, and stood next to Deathpaw. Something flared inside her, a new feeling she hadn't felt before. "First. Let's get some things straight. Deathpaw, how old are you?"

"S-six moons." She stuttered. A few cats laughed.

"Sparkpaw, how old are you?" Jaggedstar looked at the tom. He stood tall and proud.

"11 moons, Jaggedstar." His voice boomed, making Deathpaw flinch.

"Rule 1- Fight to the death. Rule 2- No cat is going to interfere. Rule 3- One. On. One." Jaggedstar let the clan yowl for their choices. Only one cat called out Deathpaw. Jaggedstar stepped off the rock, and sat next to Silverblood.

Deathpaw lashed her paw out, and caught his nose with her claws. He took no notice as he lunged at her.

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