Chapter Eleven-

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*Following Willowswipe*

Willowswipe cuffed Tinyclaw's ear, and pushed him off her. He slid, then launched himself back at her. She stepped to the side and raked a paw down his side. He turned around and nipped her tail.

"I'm done." Willowswipe panted before falling on her side. Tinyclaw looked at her with confusion in his eyes.

"You okay?" He asked. Willowswipe sighed. The kits had taken up her energy, and added hunger to her list of problems.

"Let's see....I'm not allowed to fight unless they Come here, I'm not technically supposed to be training, I'm as tired as if I haven't slept for moons, and I feel like I haven't eaten for moons. Just dandy." Willowswipe snapped. Tinyclaw looked amused, and not confused anymore. He sat down.

"Listen, it's not like he's saying no battles ever again. He doesn't want to see you hurt. Don't object, He just wants you safe." Tinyclaw's voice was laced with sympathy. Willowswipe rolled her eyes.

"Uh huh. And hedgehogs fly. Just because I'm a queen now doesn't mean I can't fight. Does he think I'm a kit?" Willowswipe snorted and staggered to her paws. Before Tinyclaw could reply, she started to run back to the main camp. Tinyclaw didn't follow.

Willowswipe clamped her jaws around a juicy blackbird, and trotted towards the nursery. Goldenfeather stepped in front of her, eyes glowing.

"Hey!" Goldenfeather chirped, and started to walk with the confused Willowswipe. They both squeezed into the nursery, and Goldenfeather sat in Spottedflame's nest. Willowswipe tucked into the blackbird, waiting for Goldenfeather to talk.

"I'm expecting kits!" Goldenfeather purred. Willowswipe choked on the bird, and spit out a feather.

"Flamedove's?" Willowswipe coughed.

"Yep. I'm moving here tonight." Goldenfeather couldn't keep the excitement out of her voice. Willowswipe purred.

"Great. I'm sure Spottedflame will be excited to hear about this!" Willowswipe ate some more of the blackbird. Feathers littered the nest, and she carefully picked them up and set them into a small pile next to her nest. "Go fetch some moss and we can set up your nest."

"K." Goldenfeather darted out of the den, leaving Willowswipe alone with the rest of the blackbird. Willowswipe sighed around a mouth of blackbird. Goldenfeather has always been so enthusiastic. Willowswipe mused.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the big rock for a clan meeting!" Nightstar's yowl came from outside the nursery. Willowswipe felt anger boil up inside her. She still loved him, but she was mad at him. She rose to her paws hesitantly, and padded out of the nursery.

"These two apprentices deserve to become warriors! I call Starclan to look down on these apprentices, and accept them as warriors!" Nightstar looked down at Bloodpaw and Darkpaw. They kept shuffling their paws nervously. Nightstar ignored their nervousness. "Ashcoat, Rockflight, are these apprentices ready to become warriors?"

"They are." Both mentors answered in unison. Their eyes shone with pride.

"Bloodpaw. Do uphold promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your own life?" Nightstar asked seriously. Bloodpaw looked up at his leader.

"I do." Bloodpaw mewed clearly. His voice rang out through the camp.

"Then by the powers given to me by Starclan as the leader of Stormclan, I hearby name you Bloodfire, in honor of your fierceness, and your strength as we welcome you as a full member of Stormclan!" Nightstar announced, and Bloodfire nodded, eyes gleaming. "Darkpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, even at the cost of your own life?" Nightstar stood straighter.

"I do."

"Then by the powers given to me by Starclan, as leader of Stormclan, I hearby name you Darkslice, in honor of your bravery, loyalty, and strength as we welcome you as a full member of Stormclan! Bloodfire! Darkslice! Bloodfire! Darkslice!" The clan echoed Nightstar's yowl as they welcomed the newly named Bloodfire and Darkslice. Willowswipe didn't shout as loud as the rest.

"One more meaning of business." Nightstar's voice held some regret. The crowd died down, and everyone looked expectantly at him. "Silverclaw, you no longer need to look after Willowswipe, I will allow her........I will allow her.....I will allow her fight."

Gasps rang from the crowd, and Willowswipe's jaw dropped. The rule had been in place for one day, and He took it back so quickly. Willowswipe couldn't stifle the purr that rose in her throat. Nightstar continued after a few moments.

"However. We don't know how the battle will start, so we need a plan. They could simply attack a border patrol, they could attack the camp. We need two extra battle parties ready at all times. So. Me, Bloodfire, Thunderspark, Tinyclaw, Redtail, and Darkslice will be the main battle party, if some border patrol gets attacked, tell us. Both battle patrols will not be going on any patrols until this battle is over. Willowswipe will lead the second party, and the members will be Sharpnose, Sweetheart, Rockflight, Ashcoat, and Swiftwing will be the runner in case of emergency. I do not have a designated runner for my group. The rest of you will be guarding the camp. Clan dismissed!" Nightstar landed gracefully from the rock. Everyone separated into groups, and Nightstar headed through the crowd to get to Willowswipe. He looked like he didn't like the decision he had made. His tail was drooping, but his head wasn't even close to making him look proud. Willowswipe was still purring when Nightstar sat in front of her.

"Are you happy?" Nightstar mumbled. Willowswipe purred louder. "I'll take that as a yes....."

"What made you change your mind?" Willowswipe mewed.

"What you said. You would run away to fight if I didn't let you in a battle party." Nightstar admitted. Willowswipe flicked her tail, and nodded.

"True. I will be careful, Nightstar. I promise. Besides, you will be there to protect me." Willowswipe rubbed her head on his shoulder.


Authors note! Oh my gosh! Thank you guys soooooooooooo much for 100 views! Can somone like, comment or vote so i know its real? I know for most people, 100 isn't a lot, but for me it's like...I dunno how to explain it. Just to know someone takes their own time to read some of my work really makes my day....or week.....I love all my fans, and I want you to know that you all are what makes me a better writer!  :D


P.S. It really did help me today, I was home all day because I threw up. :(

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