My rant.

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Okay guys, here's a thing that's been bothering me for a LONG time. So, I love all my readers and everything, but when I see one chapter has 3 reads, then the next one has 12, it makes me think some people don't pay attention. I try really hard to make a good story line and plot, and if someone decides, 'Oh, okay, I'm gonna skip to chapter 18 just to see the plot' it makes me sooooo mad. I understand a chapter can be boring, but a difference of that much just tells me that You're skipping chapters just to be done. And I understand some people think they were on that chapter and go to it after they accidentally removed it, but seriously. 9 Views may not seem like a lot, but to me it's a huge difference. So, I'm begging you all, please don't skip. It's kinda disrespectful and I really want you to know and interact with the book. I know that some people find a certain chapter boring, but sometimes something important is in it. So please read it all, I want to be able to see how many it's gone down for the chapters, not have them skipping around like a high monkey. Okay? Thanks.


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