Chapter Seventeen-

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Deathpaw stood underneath the big rock. Her time had come. Excitement rippled through her from ears to tail tip as Jaggedstar said the special words.

"And She had come to us as an exile, But we accepted her, with a little test of course." Jaggedstar added with a laugh. "And She worked hard for these past four and a half moons. She never gave up. And so, for this special ceremony, I would like to ask you to accept this apprentice as a warrior. Dragonfur, is She ready?"

"She is." Dragonfur purred. Deathpaw stared at him, love in her eyes. He looked like He could burst from pride.

"Then by the powers given to me as leader of Leafclan, I hearby name you Deathmoon, in honor of your night hunting and skills in battle, as we welcome you as a full member of Leafclan!"

"Deathmoon! Deathmoon! Deathmoon! Deathmoon!" The clan yowled to the sky. Deathmoon loved her new name. She heard Dragonfur's voice over all the rest, and She itched to move towards him.

"One more meaning on business!" The clan stopped cheering when Jaggedstar called. "We have two kits who need to be apprentices! Heatherkit, step forward!"

A little gray kitten stepped forward, shaking. She looked up at Jaggedstar with wide, scared eyes.

"Deathmoon, I know you just became a warrior, and that means you know the feeling of being an apprentice. I would like you to train Heatherkit. Heatherkit, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Heatherpaw." Jaggedstar smiled at Heatherpaw. She smiled weakly back.

"Wait!" Deathmoon screeched as the clan started to call Heatherpaw's name.

"Yes?" Jaggedstar mewed.

"I was wondering if Shadefrost  would joint train with me. I'm a new mentor, and I don't think I can do it alone." Deathmoon admitted. Jaggedstar tipped his head.

"Shadefrost, do you agree?" Jaggedstar turned towards the blue warrior.

"Erm......sure. I mean, I do." Shadefrost  stammered.

"Very well. Heatherpaw, you are very lucky. You have two mentors. Goldkit, step forward." A golden she-cat with blue eyes watched Jaggedstar with curious eyes.

"Until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Goldpaw. Silverblood, you need another apprentice. You will mentor Goldpaw."

"Yes, Jaggedstar." Silverblood dipped her head before sitting by Sparkpaw.

"Heatherpaw! Goldpaw! Heatherpaw! Goldpaw! Heatherpaw! Goldpaw! Heatherpaw! Goldpaw!" The clan shrieked. Deathmoon's apprentice rushed over to her new den. Deathmoon padded over towards Dragonfur. He was smiling widely.

"Congratulations!" He purred. She rubbed her muzzle on his shoulder.

"I have to go to the vigil." Deathmoon sighed, filled with regret. She pulled away from Dragonfur. He looked happy and sad.

"I know. You better go. I'll see you in the morning with a rabbit." He turned away from her and to the warrior den. She watched him go. The prophecy rang in her ears.

'The dragon's death will fight the gold, the story will be untold. Two clans must face, one survive, while the other is left to die.'

She had been told She must finish her mother's prophecy too.

"Vigil, Deathmoon!" Jaggedstar called. Deathmoon dipped her head and padded to the camp entrance.

The cold bit Deathmoon, But the other guard -Tigerfang- showed no sign He was cold. He looked over at her.

"Cold?" He asked. She nodded. "Want someone to warm you?"

She hesitated before nodding again. He stood up and headed inside camp.

"Deathmoon needs you." She heard Tigerfang hiss. A shuffling noise came, then moments later, Tigerfang appeared with Dragonfur. Dragonfur looked like He had just woke up. He padded over, and sat by her. She let him lean on her. She shot a thankful glance at Tigerfang, and He dipped his head. Warmth filled Deathmoon.

Morning came slowly for Deathmoon. It had crept up on her as cold as possible, chilling her to the bone. She pushed Dragonfur awake. He tilted over, almost falling, and jerked awake. He fixed himself, and stretched.

"Morning." He yawned. Deathmoon stretched.

"Can you tell Shadefrost that He needs to take Heatherpaw today? I need sleep." Deathmoon turned into the camp.

"Sure." Dragonfur hopped away, towards where Shadefrost was sitting. Deathmoon hurried to the warriors den, muscles aching for sleep.

Only a few cats were in the den. She hopped around them, and found Dragonfur's nest. A fresh nest was laid down next to his. She curled up in it, and drifted to sleep as quickly as She could blink.

Deathmoon awoke in the starry forest clearing. Shadows drifted across the entire clearing, and mist drifted lazily on the ground. Deathmoon looked for a cat, But saw none. The only sound was a bird somewhere.

"You are a warrior." The voice said flatly. It didn't echo. Deathmoon looked for the source as always, But found none.

"Who are you?!" She screeched. A long silence filled the air. The mist seemed to be dragged to the middle of the clearing, building up in a big pile.

"I assume it's time for you to know." The voice sighed. The mist swirled, and floated up, revealing a cat Deathmoon hadn't seen for many moons. Deathmoon gasped.

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