Chapter Fifteen-

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"Scorchflower!" The clan yowled. Scorchflower puffed her chest out proudly, eyes glittering. She caught Blackfang's eye, and saw him yowling her name with all his heart. Once the cheering died down, Deathstar continued.

"One more thing. I have decided, since we lost our dead Darkstar last moon, we only meed one leader. Once either I or Riverstar are gone, it will be like a regular clan. One leader, one deputy, but the same amount of medicine cats. My deputy, Shadefrost, wants to go to the Elders den with Duskleaf. I allow him. Thank you for your service. Lightmoon, you are my new deputy." Deathstar dipped her head to Lightmoon. Lightmoon nodded, and stood up.

"I would be honored to serve this clan as a deputy. Thank you." Lightmoon sat back down.

"Clan dismissed!" Deathstar leaped down, and ordered a patrol. "Lightmoon, take Leafclaw, Frostberry, and Whitewing border patrolling. All of them please. Come back right after. Scorchflower, sleep. You need your rest for your vigil tonight. The rest of you, speak to Tallfur for other duties."

Scorchflower found the empty nest next to Blackfang's, and curled up in it. Her mind drifted to sleep almost the moment her eyes closed.


"Congratulations, Scorchflower." A voice purred. Scorchflower looked around, staring at the grassy plain around her. Endless grass hills, no flowers, no trees, no clouds, just the grass, sun, and blue sky. A cone of mist swirled in the air, then plummeted to the ground, flattening as it hit the ground. It then lifted, forming a small cat shape before disappearing completely. A pure white tom with dark, almost black, brown eyes. He watched her.

"I am Frostheart, a medicine cat from long ago, the one that saw the end of ThunderClan, WindClan, RiverClan, and ShadowClan. I watched the worst battle you could imagine fall into place, clanmates turned against clanmates, friends against friends, kin against kin, mates against mates, kits against parents. Out of the ashes of the bloody battle rose five of the strongest cats the entire clans have ever known. Leafheart, a compassionate, kind she-cat that only extended her claws in great times of need, but when she did, she was to be greatly feared. Stormfire, a fierce, smart tom that was bloodthirsty. Snowclaw, a blind she-cat that killed any cat that crossed her path, Nighthawk, a witty tom that outsmarted all his opponents until they killed each other, and Cloudswipe, a secretive she-cat that always got what she wanted, no matter what. They made the five clans, as you could guess." Scorchflower stopped him with a wave of her tail.

"Why are you telling me this?" Scorchflower asked stubbornly. Frostheart shot her a glare.

"You, believe it or not, are a descendant of one of the greatest leaders of all. His name was Firestar. He was amazing. He was the best of the best. But for your clan, no, for all the clans, I promise you will be better. I have one thing to tell you, one last thing. Listen carefully.

Burn and Raven will meet in battle, at the setting of the dying sun, but none of the rest can be put to the test, until the burn is done.

This is your destiny, this is your future. It will be here before you know, watch for the sign of the second snow." Then Scorchflower was ripped from StarClan.

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