Chapter Four-

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Fire gaped at Blood as he disappeared into the undergrowth. Fear rippled through her pelt, mixed with disbelief. She glanced around, trembling. The trees loomed over her head, blotting out most of the sunlight. Cheery chirps from the birds filled the air, frightening Fire even more.

"What did I do wrong?" Fire whispered. She stumbled towards a bush, opposite from the one Blood had disappeared from. Her mind raced as she padded slowly through the thinning forest. Am I too weak? She cried in her mind. I'm always left alone.

~Time Lapse of....3 Days~

Fire looked at the moon through the glowing tree she had made her home. The moon hung lazily in the sky, half bright. Stars dotted the sky, shining like glittering claws. A rustle came from the edge of the clearing. Fire whipped her head around, and faced the noise.

"-feather is expecting kits!" A voice said excitedly. The bushes rustled more, and a silver she-cat stepped out from them. Her blue eyes sparkled from the light on the tree. Six cats followed her. A white and blue she-cat with brown eyes, a white she-cat with golden eyes, a brown tom with green eyes, a gray she-cat with blue eyes, a gray and brown she-cat with green eyes, and a brown she-cat with golden paws and golden eyes. They were purring and talking to each other, none noticed the orange pelt among the glowing tree. Fire was on the lowest branch, tail dangling over the edge, keeping low to the branch. The tom looked up, straight at her. His green eyes bore into her.

"Look." He meowed, and angled his ears at her. The other cats all fell silent, and turned to look at her. She stared down at them with wide, frightened eyes. The white she-cat with golden eyes stepped forward.

"Hello, little one. I am Doveclaw. What is your name?" She asked quietly. Fire gulped, and pulled herself up.

"I'm Fire. A Dusk." Fire squeaked. The she-cat flicked her ear in surprise.

"A Dusk?" She echoed. Fire jumped down, and landed on her paws with a thump.

"A vicious group that kills anyone and everyone." Fire replied. The cats immediately dropped into a crouch, ears pulled back, claws out. Fire shrank down. The friendly she-cat stayed standing up straight.

"Get up you idiots." She hissed at the other cats. They didn't move. "I said get up!"

They hesitated before standing slowly. Doveclaw turned back to Fire, whiskers twitching. "Adderleaf will take you to our camp."

"What? No!" The gray she-cat with blue eyes shrieked. "I'm not taking a stranger to our camp!"

"Oh Yes you will, of I swear I will claw your ears off." Doveclaw snarled. Adderleaf shot a glare at Doveclaw, and whirled around.

"Come on, Fire. Let's go." She spat. Fire stood slowly, and flinched when Adderleaf whisked back around.

"Hurry up you worthless piece of dung!" Adderleaf snapped. Fire scrambled to get over to her.

"Don't talk to her like that." The tom hissed. Adderleaf swiped at him with sheathed claws.

"Just share tongues with your ancestors. You know. The job ALL medicine cats do. But no. I'M not allowed to. I have to go take this stupid kit to camp." Adderleaf snarled bitterly, and stormed away. Fire risked a glance back, and saw pity in their eyes.

"Come on!" Adderleaf commanded, and Fire darted away. What was in her nest this morning? Fire growled inwardly.

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