Chapter Fourteen-

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=[Dedicated to Hollypaw, an amazing person who's been such a good friend(I don't write on my computer, so I can't actually dedicate)]=

The clan raced along the Stormclan border, tail streaming behind them, wind rushing through their fur. Deathpaw ran beside Dragonfur, paws thudding in perfect rhythm. Jaggedstar was in the lead, Silverblood right next to him. Sparkpaw was in the back, Shadefrost, Tigerice, Stripepaw, Freezeherb, and Riverheart in the middle. The gathering meeting place was a waterfall clearing, the Stormclan and Snowclan leaders sat on the left side of the waterfall with their deputies on the rocks underneath them. The Nightclan and Cloudclan leaders sat on the right side of the waterfall with their deputies on the rocks underneath them. The Leafclan leader sat on the large rock in the middle of the top of the waterfall, with their deputy next to them. The waterfall was in the middle of the clans, where they combined, and met in a huge clearing about twenty foxlengths wide.

The Leafclan cats exploded into the clearing, the last ones there. Deathpaw wanted to shrink under the gazes of the other clans. But She only shook a little, and stood by Dragonfur as he led her to an empty spot by a tree. Cats of all shapes, sizes, genders, and ages watched her. She noticed a few of her old clanmates.

"Dragonfur, they recognize me." Deathpaw whispered, voice shaking. He pressed up against her, and they sat down in the spot.

"It's okay." He soothed. She let herself lean on him as the leaders calked for attention.

"Leafclan will begin!" Jaggedstar yowled. The chatter died down. He looked at Deathpaw.

"We have an apprentice here that is to her first gathering! Please welcome Deathpaw!" He smiles at her. "Prey has been running well, and even though some.....Snowclan scent has been smelled on our land!"

Yowls of protest came from the Snowclan cats arose. But Nightstar stepped forward.

"BE QUIET!" He roared. The clan died down. Deathpaw stood up and looked at her father. He looked sad, gray flecked his muzzle, his eyes were dull, He looked weak.

"I have news to share. Our deputy, Sweetheart, has died. She ate deathberries. And I want to intro-" He found Deathpaw's eyes.

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