Chapter Nineteen-

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~Time Lapse of 2 moons~

Scorchflower trotted through the forest, enjoying the sound of the birds, the feel of the wind in her fur, the rustle of the leaves. The nagging voice at the back of her mind was almost gone, the voice telling her something big was coming. A purr rumbled in her throat as she picked up Blackfang's scent. Her trot picked up pace a little, excited to tell him she was ready. Another, smaller scent hit her nose, barely recognizable under Blackfang's. It was so faint she couldn't pick up who it was. It wasn't stale though. Probably just a lone hunter. She kept her pace up, following Blackfang's scent.

Scorchflower's paws crunched the dry leaves that had fallen due to early leafbare. She slowed when she heard voices. She crept forward, low to the ground, waiting to see who was talking. She finally got in place to see who was there, almost choking when she saw. Blackfang and Lightmoon were in a tiny clearing, tails intertwined, purrs loud enough to scare the birds.

"I love you Blackfang." Lightmoon purred, licking his ear. He rubbed his muzzle on her cheek.

"I love you too." He murmured. Something broke in Scorchflower. Her mind went black, and hurt and betrayal pierced her heart. Her eyes flew open, and she couldn't hold back the growl that filled her. Both of them whipped around, fur fluffed up, eyes wide. Scorchflower slunk forward, sliding down the slope with ease. Her tail lashed angrily, her ears pushed back, teeth bared in a snarl.

"You foxheart!" Scorchflower hissed. Blackfang stepped in front of Lightmoon, guarding her.

"Me? A foxheart?" He asked, seemingly surprised. Scorchflower stopped in front of them, and glared at Lightmoon.

"You promised we would be mates. You promised you would wait." Scorchflower snarled. Blackfang crouched, claws sliding out, ready to defend his mate.

"I did wait. Lightmoon is just better than you. In every way." He narrowed his eyes. Rage exploded inside Scorchflower. She just barely kept herself from leaping at him.

"You wanna know Why I came here?" Scorchflower asked. "I was ready to have kits. And I find you with this....this mousebrain, saying you love her. How long has this been? She has had over 15 mates you fleabrain! She doesn't stick with her mate!"

"You're wrong." Lightmoon snapped. Her eyes blazed a hard rage. Scorchflower lashed out, just barely missing her ear.

"You'll stay quiet if you value your pelt." Scorchflower lashed her tail. Lightmoon snapped her jaws shut. Scorchflower turned her gaze back on Blackfang.

"And you, you lied." Scorchflower felt tears Well up in her eyes. She blinked rapidly to whisk them away. He glanced down. "How long have you been lying?"

"Scorchflower, I'm-" he began, but Scorchflower silenced him.

"How long?!" She yowled. He pinned his ears back, ashamed.

"Three moons." He whispered. Her heart snapped.

"So, before I said we would become mates?" Scorchflower exclaimed. Lightmoon didn't move as she growled.

"He's lying. We've been mates since the Moon after he became a warrior." Lightmoon sneered. Scorchflower's mind swirled. Lightmoon narrowed her eyes. "In fact, I'm expecting his kits."

That did it. With a screech, Scorchflower leaped at Lightmoon. She barrelled Lightmoon over, pinning her to the ground in moments. Scorchflower's eyes burned with hatred. Lightmoon struggled underneath Scorchflower's weight, not moving. Blackfang broke away from the shock that had kept him still, and clawed at Scorchflower's hindquarters. His claws dug in, leaving deep scores. Scorchflower shrieked in pain, using her hind claws to kick Blackfang away. Lightmoon slashed at Scorchflower's shoulders, slicing deep wounds. Scorchflower leaned down, and clamped her teeth in Lightmoon's shoulder. Lightmoon screeched, finally launching Scorchflower off. Scorchflower flew across the clearing, hitting a tree. Just as she was about to get up, a earsplitting yowl broke all the sounds of the forest, an unmistakable yowl.


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