Chapter Thirty-Four-

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Deathstar bounded through the forest, the clans hard on her paws. They approached the waterfall fast.

"Attack!" Deathstar let out her call, and the clans exploded into the clearing. Her cats immediately leaped onto the Stormclan and Snowclan cats. They met her with snarls, slashing at them. Deathstar dodged a swipe at her side, and pelted towards Goldenstar.

Goldenstar was sitting on the top of the waterfall, paws and fur glistening from the water. Deathstar scrambled up the slippery rocks, and found herself in front of Goldenstar.

"Goldenstar." Deathstar snarled. Goldenstar stood.

"Hello." Goldenstar flicked her tail. Deathstar watched her.

"I'm here. And You're not leaving." Deathstar let her claws slide out.

"We'll see." Goldenstar hissed. Deathstar didn't wait for Goldenstar to talk anymore. Deathstar launched herself at Goldenstar, and barreled her over. She slashed at Goldenstar, and ripped her shoulder open. Goldenstar let out a screech of pain as Deathstar bit into her ear. Goldenstar threw Deathstar off, and leaped up. Deathstar slammed into a rock, and stars swam in her vision. She stumbled up, legs shaky.

"You're nothing more than a half trained apprentice!" Goldenstar snarled.

"Well, even That's better than being you!" Deathstar spat back. Goldenstar hissed, and lunged at Deathstar. She sidestepped quickly, but her side was clawed. Only a little blood dripped. She whirled around to face Goldenstar, and her muzzle was sliced. Blood drops hit her eyes, and She tried to blink them away.

"I've been training, Deathstar. Your mother and father were just practice. And now, I'm going to kill you." Goldenstar laughed before charging at Deathstar. Claws slashed Deathstar's throat, and black waves crashed over her.

She awoke in a misty clearing, perfect trees around her in a circle.

"Welcome. You have lost a life." A cat appeared in front of her. Skytail. A voice told her.

"Let me go back!" Deathstar command. Skytail laughed.

"You need time to heal. Just a moment." Silence filled the entire forest. Deathstar felt herself slip from StarClan. "StarClan will fight for you."

Deathstar came back to the battle, weak. Goldenstar towered over her, a smug expression on her face. Deathstar lurched upwards, and pinned Goldenstar. Pelts brushed against her, and stars seemed to walk. Deathstar quickly slashed at Goldenstar's stomach, successfully shredding it. Goldenstar's eyes grew dull, and her body went limp. But Deathstar didn't stop there. She clawed at Goldenstar. Blood welled out of her, seeping into the ground. Her eyes flickered, and She was back in moments. But her eyes grew dull once again. It happened once again before she stayed awake. Her eyes gleamed with fury.

"You took away three of my lives! I will kill you before you take my last one!" Goldenstar snapped. Deathstar felt satisfaction flow through her. Goldenstar surged forward, and they turned, facing each other. Deathstar lashed her tail, and circled Goldenstar. Deathstar pounced.

They rolled over the edge, landing with a thud. Cats struggled to get out of the way as they wrestled on the ground, hissing, snarling, and biting. Deathstar swept Goldenstar's legs out from under her, and she fell, hard. Deathstar bowled her over, and pinned her.

Deathstar bared her teeth, and growled.

"Your time is over." Deathstar snarled. Fear flashed in Goldenstar's eyes for a moment, but left as quickly as it came. Deathstar bit into her throat, gagging on the blood that filled her mouth. Goldenstar struggled, ripping her throat open further. Deathstar twisted her head, and Goldenstar stopped moving. Deathstar stood up, and backed away from Goldenstar's lifeless body. Gasps from the Stormclan and Snowclan cats filled the air. Yowls of victory came from the Nightclan, Leafclan, and Cloudclan cats as they pursued the retreating defeated cats. Deathstar stood in front of her cats.

"We have won!" Deathstar yowled. Cheers erupted from the cats. Deathstar felt pride run through her as she swept her gaze around her cats. Yes. We have won.

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