Chapter Sixteen-

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Scorchflower watched the sun peek over the tree tops, making the sky a orange/pink color. The sunlight reflected on Scorchflower's pelt, shining like fire. The soft wind ruffled her fur, pushing her ears back a little. The entrance to camp rustled, and Blackfang padded out.

"Deathstar told me to tell you your vigil is over." He sat next to her. She dipped her head, and stretched her stiff muscles. Her jaws parted in a huge yawn, and her claws tore up the grass under her paws. She shook her pelt, and angled her ears towards the forest. Blackfang nodded, stood up, and they padded out into the forest.

"Don't talk. Just listen." Scorchflower ignored the branches that tugged on her pelt. She slowed to a halt, waiting for Blackfang to stop next to her. "I am a new warrior. Right now,my duty is to my clan, our clan. I would live to have your kits."

Blackfang started to purr, but Scorchflower raised her tail to silence him.

"However. As I said, right now my duty is to my clan. In a few moons, we can have kits. Not now." Blackfang lashed his tail.

"What's more useful to your clan, having one extra warrior for a few moons, or instead of wasting time, have kits for the clan! Having kits is the most honorable part of being a warrior!" Blackfang exclaimed. Scorchflower rolled her eyes.

"I am not ready to be a mother yet, and you might be ready to be a father, but it's not the right time. It's just for two moons or so. That's all." Scorchflower's eyes glistened. Blackfang looked away for a moment before turning back.

"Take as much time as you want Scorchflower, but keep in mind that we don't have forever." Blackfang murmured, and pelted away, back towards camp. Scorchflower felt irritation grow inside her. She shook her head and raced back to camp.

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