Chapter Seventeen-

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~Time Lapse of 2 sunrises~

Scorchflower awoke to the sound of wailing. A single, mournful wail. She stood up, not pausing to stretch or clean the moss from her fur. The reeds pushed aside as she crept out of the den.

"What's going on?" Scorchflower asked Fallenleaf as he padded past. His green eyes gazed sadly into hers.

"Tigermoon's dead." Fallenleaf whispered. Dread and grief filled Scorchflower. I didn't know him, but it's still the death of a clanmate. Fallenleaf padded away, towards a black shape that wasn't moving, crouching next to a blue, lifeless body. Tigermoon. Scorchflower let her head drop, and padded over to where Deathstar was laying.

"He's in a better place." She heard Fallenleaf whisper in Deathstar's ear. Scorchflower leaned down to lick Tigermoon's fur, but Deathstar whipped around on her, snarling.

"It's all your fault!" Deathstar spat. Scorchflower backed away, ears pinned, eyes wide. Deathstar stalked slowly towards her, Scorchflower backing away more and more as Deathstar came closer.

"Deathstar!" Fallenleaf stepped in front of Scorchflower, guarding her from Deathstar's piercing gaze. "You're acting in grief, Scorchflower had nothing to do with it! She wouldn't hurt a soul."

"She brought them here!" Deathstar raised a paw with claws extended, about to swat Fallenleaf away. He didn't move, and she brought her paw down. Her claws raked across his muzzle, spattering blood on Scorchflower and the dirt around them. His head was smacked sideways, his uninjured side of his face looking at Scorchflower. He fell on Scorchflower, making them both fall over. Deathstar backed away, horrified at what she had done. Scorchflower pushed Fallenleaf off her gently, quickly grabbing his scruff as he almost fell over. Gasps of shock and astonishment rang throughout the clearing. Scorchflower pulled him to the medicine cat den, ignoring his cries of protest that he could walk.

She curled herself around him as he drifted to sleep, purring in his ear. A purr stopped in her throat as she realized something dangerous. Do I have feelings for Fallenleaf?

Yeah yeah, short chapter. I've been busy, so, sorry. I have an idea of where I am going with this story, and I am sad, no, crestfallen to announce this will be the last book of the series. This book series Gwalior come soooooo far, and I am soooooo proud of this series, but I cannot for the life of me think of a good beginning of a new book for the ending I have planned. Ugh. BUT, I have so many other books that when this one is done, you won't have to worry about me just stopping writing.  :D
Well, ima go write the next chapter, it's a bloody mess, the planing I've done, but it's worth it.


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