Chapter Twenty-

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~Time lapse of 1 1/2 moons~

"Deathmoon, Shadefrost, Silverblood, Tigerfang, and Heatherpaw, to me!" Jaggedstar yowled, and ran out of the camp. The assembled cats screeched and followed, paws thudding on the ground. Excitement tingled through Deathmoon as She hurried by her clanmates.

"Let the gathering begin!" Jaggedstar screeched when He scambled up to his spot. Deathmoon looked at tge deputies. Silverblood, Fernwhisker, Iceheart, and.....wait. Fear and anger flooded through Deathmoon as She looked up at the Stormclan leader. Goldenfeather! A voice snarled.

"Leafclan will start!" Jaggedstar yowled. The clans grew silent. For the first time, realization hit Deathmoon, like a vice. Overwhelming pain and grief stabbed Deathmoon in the heart. Then anger and rage replaced it. She barely heard the voices. She faintly heard someone call her name,.but didn't pay attention. Did Goldenstar kill Nightstar?! She wanted to wail her pain out loud. A hard shove came from her side. She turned around, irritated. Shadefrost stared at her, pride in his eyes.

"Congratulations!" He purred. Confusion filled her.

"What?" She hissed. He laughed quietly.

"Jaggedstar just made you the new deputy. Silverblood just retired in front of everyone. You're now the deputy." Shadefrost purred. Deathmoon looked at Jaggedstar in disbelief. Sure enough, He was staring at her with a smile on his face. Slowly, pride crept into her. Her throat rumbled in a deep purr, But She choked on it, remembering that Nightstar was gone. What life is Jaggedstar on? Is He almost gone? He's the second oldest, and gray is all around his muzzle. Deathmoon noticed things She hadn't before. The gray on his muzzle, the stiffness in his muscles, the sour scent of sickness that hung around him like a cloud. She watched as Jaggedstar stepped back, and Goldenstar stepped up. A burning hatred filled Deathmoon.

"Well, congratulations Deathmoon." Goldenstar sneered at Deathmoon. Deathmoon bristled.

"As you all know, I lost a brave and loyal deputy in Darkfoot in the territory spat against Snowclan." Goldenstar spat at Icestar. Icestar growled. "So now, a rouge named Bone is our deputy."

A large white Tom with bright green eyes and gray ears stepped forward from the Stormclan deputy spot. He looked proud.

"That is all." Goldenstar mewed, and hopped back. Icestar stepped forward.

"I have no idea what 'territory spat' you're talking about. We didn't fight anyone, and we most certainly did not kill anyone!" Icestar growled. "Maybe you need to point your little accusations at your own clan members instead of mine!"

"Enough." Darkstar croaked. Icestar stepped back, fur fluffed out. "We have nothing to report."

"Our turn." Riverstar stood. "We only have one thing. We heard a prophecy. Fernclaw, step forward."

A small brown tom with golden eyes stepped forward, head held high.

"The prophecy is as follows:

The great willow will help the death, and death and gold will fight to the death. Night will fall, along with the Jag, and two will face, the good and the bad. Blood will spill, and blood will cover the hill, But one will win, and the other will die, because in the battle of good and evil, your heart never lies.

I-i think I know what it means." Fernclaw paused.

"Tell us!" A yowled filled the air.

"I-i think we need to choose a side, Death, or gold." Fernclaw looked scared.

"Cloudclan will be joining death." Gasps rang out in the clearing as Darkstar announced it. Riverstar dipped her head in agreement.

"Ever since we receive the prophecy, we chose death." Riverstar pointed her tail at a Tom that stood up.

"But death is death! It's dying and pain! WHY?!?!" The Tom wailed. Riverstar hushed him.

"Death is release from this world. Death is good, and almost every gold is bad. Gold brings greed and hate, death brings justice and renewal." Riverstar made the words make sense. Deathmoon felt something next to her.

"You are the death." The voice whispered. "And Goldenstar is the gold. You will fight her with a new clan, and may your story be told."

And with that, Deathmoon was left in the gathering, a haunted feeling on her shoulders.


Sorry if these next few chapters aren't very long or good, I have a surprise for you guys on Christmas! :D I can't wait to show ya guys! Bai!!!!!


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