Chapter Eleven-

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Scorchpaw kept close to the ground, eyes fixed on the vole, it sat right next to a small hole, still. Scorchpaw let her claws slide out, keeping her eyes on the vole. Her tail hit a leaf, making it flip over and crackle. The vole sat up, and darted back into it's hole. Scorchpaw made one last feeble lunge for it, but missed by a mouselength. She hissed at it, and stormed back to the clearing where her mentor was waiting.

"You missed it." Foxtooth said quietly when Scorchpaw returned. Scorchpaw glared at him.

"Oh really? I didn't notice!" Scorchpaw snapped. Foxtooth flicked his tail. Scorchpaw sat down in front of him. "I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Now, since we just did hunting, I guess for the rest of the day you can double train with Frostpaw and Ravenpaw." Foxtooth smiled. Scorchpaw bounced up and down, excitement rushing through her.

"Let's go!" Scorchpaw started to run around. Foxtooth stifled a small bit of laughter.

"They're in the Sharp Rocks, Let's go surprise them." Foxtooth purred. Scorchpaw nodded vigorously, and followed her mentor as he led her to the Sharp Rocks.

"Hi!" Frostpaw mewed when Scorchpaw and Foxtooth came into the sandy area. The Sharp Rocks were a group of tall rocks on a sandy area in the middle of the territory, a giant oak tree sprouting from in the middle of the circle of rocks. Ravenpaw didn't look at Scorchpaw. Confusion slipped into Scorchpaw's mind. She shrugged it off. Frostpaw pranced over to Scorchpaw. Her white and blue pelt reflected the warm light. Swiftwing and Riverstar stood on top of one of the tall rocks, watching the apprentices. Foxtooth leaped up to join them as Scorchpaw padded to the Shadow of the rocks. Riverstar was the first to speak.

"You three are going to try something we make every apprentice master before they become warriors. And no that does not mean you are close to being nd a warrior." Riverstar added with a purr as Ravenpaw perked up. She slumped back down. "You three are going to attack each other, all at once. No claws, and please flat hurt yourselves on the rocks."

"How long will we fight?" Frostpaw chimed in. Riverstar glanced at her.

"Until only one can fight." Riverstar replied. Frostpaw nodded. "Start when you're ready."

"Okay. Ravenpaw? You ready?" Frostpaw turned to the black apprentice. She stared at Scorchpaw with dark brown eyes.

"I'm ready." Ravenpaw lashed her tail.

"As am I." Scorchpaw agreed. Ravenpaw crouched, and the other two followed. Frostpaw started to count.

"3...2...1...GO!" Frostpaw screeched, and Ravenpaw launched herself at Scorchpaw. Scorchpaw met her with her paws up, and was barreled over. Ravenpaw battered Scorchpaw's stomach with hard, swift blows. Scorchpaw shrieked as claws dug into her stomach. Ravenpaw glared down at Scorchpaw with hatred filled eyes. Scorchpaw faintly saw a flash of white, then Ravenpaw was off of Scorchpaw. She stood up shakily, aware of the blood dripping on the ground. Frostpaw and Ravenpaw were wrestling in the sand, sending it showering over Scorchpaw. She shook her pelt, and leaped into the fray.

"She said no claws!" Frostpaw hissed. Ravenpaw didn't say anything, just pummeled Frostpaw with blows to the muzzle. Scorchpaw felt anger blow inside her as Ravenpaw threw Frostpaw against a tree. Frostpaw didn't get up. Ravenpaw leaped up and turned to Scorchpaw. Scorchpaw shrunk down as the larger apprentice hurled herself at Scorchpaw. A red body appeared in front of her, taking the blow. Foxtooth stumbled into Scorchpaw, making her fall. Foxtooth swayed on his paws, and Scorchpaw saw blood falling on the ground. Riverstar rushed over to her apprentice, worry radiating off her in waves. Swiftwing stormed towards his apprentice, rage and horror in his eyes. Ravenpaw stood up, and shook her pelt clear of sand and dirt. Soon Swiftwing was towering over her, a low growl in his throat.

"No claws! You hurt three clanmates!" Swiftwing growled. Ravenpaw shrugged.

"They should've been stronger." Ravenpaw licked her paw, and drew it over her ear. Swiftwing smacked her on the side of the head. "What was that for?"

"You are confined to camp for three moons, and you will take care of everything the Elders need! I don't care if it's licking behind their ears! You will do it!" Swiftwing snarled. Ravenpaw's eyes grew wide.

"I didn't mean-" Ravenpaw was cut off by Swiftwing's glare.

"Go. Now!" Swiftwing ordered. Ravenpaw hissed, and stormed off towards camp. Swiftwing watched her leave, then headed towards Foxtooth and Scorchpaw. Foxtooth was laying on the ground, his wound deeper than first thought. Scorchpaw was crouched over him.

"He's going to be fine." Scorchpaw whispered to herself. "Swiftwing, please go get Adderleaf."

Swiftwing nodded, and darted to camp. Scorchpaw glanced up at Riverstar and Frostpaw. Frostpaw hadn't moved, her paw was twisted, her back bent at a weird angle. Scorchpaw looked back at her mentor. The bleeding had slowed, but it still came out. Ravenpaw did this. Why? Scorchpaw asked herself. What is wrong with her?!

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