More than Friends

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The school trip had been interrupted with a werewolf exploding out of a nearby building. Brett had hurried to make sure that you were ok and keep you with him in case it came back.

Isaac had hurried off with Scott to see if he could help but he wasn't listening to the sheriff he was staring over at you and Brett. Since Brett had shown up, Isaac seemed a little, distracted by everything. At least that's what you'd said to Malia and Lydia in a study session at Lydia's house. Lydia had rolled her eyes and said the problem was obvious.

"(Y/N) are you ok?" Isaac asked as he hurried over and shoved Brett out of the way. You heard Brett growl as you stumbled slightly, still holding onto Brett's arm.

"I'm fine. It didn't get anywhere near me." You answered quickly. When you'd gained your footing and looked around you realised that everyone was staring at you. Mostly because Isaac and Scott were crowding round you.

"Good. We couldn't let a cutie like you get hurt." Isaac said as he nudged you gently. Scott gave Isaac an odd look, one that matched the look that you gave Isaac.

"I should take her home. I can ask Satomi to come up and help." Brett offered and Scott agreed.

"I can take her home and get Derek. We don't really know Satomi." Isaac said quickly.

"Isaac, it's fine. Brett will get (Y/N) home and we can make a head start here." Scott said quickly as he gave a friendly nod to Brett. Isaac scowled at Brett who raised his eyebrows and stared him down. Reluctantly he headed after Scott.

"He doesn't like me very much." Brett said as he led you through the woods to Satomi.

"He's just... upset about the wolf attacking the bus." You answered quickly.

"No. I'm pretty sure he doesn't like when I hang around with you. Maybe I should avoid you. Wouldn't want to cause a rift between the packs." Brett's tone got more dramatic as he went on.

"There would be a rift in the packs?" You asked curiously and he laughed. He didn't say anything else because you slipped and he had to jump to catch you. Which caught the attention of something that was in the woods and he decided a piggy back through the woods while he ran might be safer, what with the giant demented werewolf on the loose and all.


"Have you guys seen Brett?" You asked the group as you carefully carried your lunch tray over to the group.

"No." Lydia replied quickly. Stiles gave her a look and you were sure you saw her kick him.

"No. No Brett. How're things with Isaac. Aren't you going on a date with him?" Stiles asked quickly. Lydia gave him a furious look but turned and smiled at you.

"Oh. Yeah. I mean. I wouldn't say it's a date. We've been friends since we were kids. We're going to college together soon. You know. We're just friends." You explained. Stiles rolled his eyes and now Lydia flicked him. "Are you guys... ok?"

"Sure. Stiles just can't keep his mouth shut." Lydia said quickly.

"Oh. Ok then. Well I'm going to go and eat my lunch. I wanted to see if Brett could help me study for our next class. Tell him i'll be in the library?"

"Yeah. Sure. Hey... Where is Isaac taking you?" Stiles asked quickly.

"Huh? Oh. That weird milkshake dinner he likes. I think he wanted me to pay." You said as you left.

"He is such a bad date and they don't even start going out until this evening." Lydia muttered to Stiles who was rubbing his shin with his other foot.

"We should tell Brett."

"Because you don't like Isaac?" Lydia asked as she stabbed at her salad and eyed Stiles' curly fries.

"Because Brett has been pining around after her for weeks. He rescued her from a deranged werewolf and he was going to ask her out to dinner at a place she liked and he'd even saved up so he could buy her a meal. (Y/N) doesn't even like Isaac's weird dinner." Stiles explained quickly.

Lydia gave Stiles a hard stare and sighed before agreeing. They hurried to the room Brett had said he'd be in if anyone had needed him. He was still moping.


You opened your front door and sighed. You'd seen that it was pouring with rain from the window. You didn't know why you'd opened the door and looked out as if this door would give you any better results on the weather.

The rain was so heavy you didn't notice the figure standing in your front garden at first. But when you squinted you could make out Brett, standing in the rain on the path, as if he'd been making his way to the door when you opened it.

"(Y/N)?" He said. He hadn't seemed to expect you to be at your own home. Or maybe he had expected you to be home and had been so nervous he'd waited at the gate and when you opened the door so suddenly you had startled him. You stared at him for a moment as you tried to decide on which was more likely. "Please don't go on your date with Isaac."

"I... I'm not going on a date with Isaac, we're just friends." You pointed out.

"Well. He thinks that it's a date and..." He trailed off as he shuffled up the path to the foot of the porch steps. "I... really like you and I would like it if you'd date me and not Isaac." Brett said quickly. You giggled nervously at the thought of Brett or Isaac liking you. Brett looked a little hurt and rushed down the steps.

"Brett... I didn't realise that you... felt." You weren't sure what to say so you learnt up and kissed him on the cheek.

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