Let me show you

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"Brett's coming?" You asked when your friend finished listing off the people she'd invited.

"It's a party to celebrate the team winning all their games so far... why wouldn't I invite Brett?" She asked, glancing at you in the mirror as she put her makeup on, frowning when she looked over the jeans and t-shirt you were wearing.

"Well... because he's kind of a jerk." You mumbled, playing with your fingers as you scuffed your feet on the foot of her bed.

"It's a big party and he's supposed to be coming late so don't worry about it." She smiled and went to her wardrobe before coming back with a dress, bikini and some sandals. "You can borrow these just promise to have fun and try not to hide up here until you're super sure you're not having fun, you did last time."

"Ok fine but no makeup." You pointed at her and you both laughed when she nodded in agreement.

When you came out of the bathroom to find her she'd gone so you hurried downstairs to find her, skipping out onto her front drive where she was talking with people.

"Aw look who's trying to be a big girl and got all dolled up." Brett's voice hit you before you'd even noticed him and your friend quickly grabbed your hand to stop you shoving past him and running home barefoot.

"I think she looks cute and if Liam drops by he'll be all over her." She winked and you and for a moment Brett looked furious before he chuckled.

"Yeah you and the angry dweeb can have fun at the kids table while the big kids party." You could see him watching you through his shades, waiting for you to attempt to retaliate knowing you'd trip over your words and hurry off to pout out of his sight.

"Oh, yeah well at least Liam has... a better... body than you!" You squeaked trying to find one single insecurity to prey on the way Brett seemed to pick at yours but he just shrugged.

"Who cares, I'm set." He hummed, tugging up his shirt to reveal his washboard stomach and laughed when you started to get even more flustered.

"Brett come on let's just go inside." Your friend's boyfriend muttered and shoved him inside.

"Just ignore him." She told you with a sigh but you were already feeling self-conscious.

"Everyone else will be wearing tiny dresses or just their bikinis and I'm... wearing this." You sighed looking down at the knee length skater dress.

"Are you saying my clothes aren't good enough?" She joked but you were to upset to tell.

"No!" You gasped and shook your head. "They look good on you, I guess nothing looks good on me."


The party gradually built and your friend was right, despite avoiding Brett as best you could you were enjoying yourself. At least you were until Brett shoved you in the pool, his laughter died as soon as you pulled off your dress to reveal the borrowed bikini underneath and if you were honest the people crammed in the back yard as well as the several barbecues had made the evening rather stuffy so you weren't too bothered.

Brett left you alone after that, once or twice he'd been staring at you but once someone handed you a drink you didn't think too much of it.

"Oh, is it time for you to go hide?" Brett drawled, making you jump when you finished stacking plates and cups in the kitchen, wanting a break from the loud music and dancing outside.

"What do you want Brett?" You sighed and scowled at him, crossing your arms as you waited for him to speak.

"You know some people think you hate me." Brett leant on the fridge as you continued to gather things into piles in the kitchen in hopes of making the clean up after the party a little easier.

Brett Talbot ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now