Puppy Sitting

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"You want me to what?" You asked Scott who had a small wolf pup under each arm.

"To babysit Brett and Theo while I help Deaton figure out how to fix them." Scott grinned as he held them out for you.

"Why... why are they puppies?" You asked as you took them both and Theo started wriggling to get into your house while Brett snuggled up in your arms with his head resting on your shoulder.

"Theo offended a witch, i'll get some stuff for them." Scott said as if that answered the questions you wanted to ask, running to the vet van, returning with beds and puppy toys. "I... you do know the last time Theo was in my house he stole my underwear and I chased him out with a frying pan."

"You're going to chase that?" Scott asked as he set the stiff down in your living room and pointed at the tiny black puppy.

"Fine they are adorable and I may not give them back." You admitted, scratching Bret between the ears.

Scott left and the morning went by with very little mishap. Apart from Brett pushing theo in the water bowl. Someone knocked on the door so you went to answer it pulling the living room door to as you left the pile of sleeping puppies.

"Package for you?" A delivery guy asked but before you could take it the two pups shot out of your house and towards the huge field next to it.

"Just put it by the door!" You yelled as you rushed after the pups who were still bolting for freedom.

They split as they reached the field and you decided to go after Theo, rather than Brett, who would most probably just trot back over for a cuddle. You ran after him as he dove out of sight, stopping to catch your breath.

"Fine, be that way." You huffed, turning your back on Theo. "Brett, come on little puppy!" You called, smiling when Theo popped up and whined at you.

You quickly grabbed at Theo and tucked him into your jacket, tickling his head as you walked over to where Brett had headed. You giggled when he came hurtling towards you but suddenly stopped and lay down.

"Naw Brett are you sleepy!" You cooed and went to scoop the poor thing into your arms.


"We found a way to fix it!" Scott called as you sat curled up watching TV, cuddling Brett while Theo snoozed loudly on your lap.

"You couldn't have done that earlier?" You sighed, scowling at Scott who shrugged.

"Thanks for looking after them." He mumbled and tried to feed them a weird looking seed.

You gasped when suddenly you found yourself squished under two naked werewolves. They both hopped up and used their hands to cover themselves a you chased Scott with a cushion.

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