Full moon

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You blushed as you hurried out of the school, meeting the eyes of the boy you'd bumped into earlier that week. You'd scattered your books everywhere and he laughed a little as he helped you pick them up.

He smiled at you, frowning for a second when your eyes flickered and you had to hurry off. He knew you were new and after a little bit of asking around Brett had found out you were an omega, living alone, no pack or family to speak of.

He almost jogged after you but he didn't want to impose, it had to be frightening enough moving to a new town full of werewolves, he didn't want to scare you. "The new girl's kind of weird." He heard someone mutter and sighed, getting up as he headed in the direction of your scent.


You groaned, unable to dislodge the ache the full moon poured over you. Your head felt light contrasting with your body which felt like it was weighted down. You didn't notice the person approaching as you started to shift until they pinned you down to stop you running through the woods.

"Hey, calm down!" Brett called and his voice floated you back to somewhere that you could grip onto control.

"Let go of me!" You yelped and he jumped back, holding his hands up as you growled.

"Listen, the sun, the moon and the truth." He muttered and you frowned at him as you got up and growled. "Just say it over and over, it should help you stay in control." He said quickly before you could attack and flee.

"The sun, the moon and the truth." You muttered, repeating until your eyes started to fade.

"There, it's ok, come on." He led you back to you house and hesitated. "I'll stick around for a while, I have to meet up with some of my pack but I should be able to hear if you need any help."

"Thanks." You muttered quietly.


During the next few months Brett always stopped by on each full moon. He met you before and after school and you finally had someone who noticed you. Unfortunately for you, one of Brett's games fell on a full moon and you were admit to attend to support him despite barely having yourself under control.

He frowned when you rushed off as soon as the game finished, fighting to get through the crowd and into the school to find you. When he did he smiled to himself, the door to his locker had been torn off and other than that the only sign you'd been struggling was the door to the school, which swung a little awkwardly on its hinges.

"(Y/N)?" Brett asked as he leant against the tree that loomed outside, waiting for your attention to be drawn from his spare jersey which was snuggled against your face, to him.

"Brett, I'm sorry!" You said with a wince as you jumped up to your feet.

"It's ok." He said as he shook his head. "Lots of people have different things as their anchors."

"Your shirt is my anchor?" You asked in confusion and scrunched up your nose.

"No, me, I'm your anchor... I don't mind." He smiled and you blushed and nodded before hugging him and nuzzling your face against his chest. "We should get back though." He sighed reluctantly. Neither one of you moving.

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