Mates (Part Two)

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"Where's your friend?" Liam asked when he and Brett passed each other during the usual patrol.

"She's um... over there why?" Brett replied and glanced over in the direction of your heartbeat to make sure you were still heading into the right direction.

Liam followed his gaze to where you were slowly crunching through the leaves. "She's cute, she from school because she doesn't smell like a werewolf?" Liam jumped a little when Brett turned back to him and growled.

"You can't have her she's my mate." He snapped and flickered his eyes as he turned to head over to you and left Liam staring after the both of you.

You walked the rest of Brett's patrol with him in silence and when he finally led you back to the pack you hurried off. He frowned and watched as you casually abandoned him in favour for the pack members you were closer with.

Everyone decided rather quickly that Brett was in a mood and best left alone for the rest of the night because everyone who approached him was quickly snapped at.


"Hey Brett, isn't that (Y/N)?" One of Brett's teammates slapped their hand on his shoulder and pointed you out.

He jogged over to you and rouched on his heels so he could lean in and chat without shouting over the buzz of people. "How come you're by yourself?" He asked and glanced around for your friends.

"They were going to a party and I didn't want to go but they kept insisting so I said i'd promised to come to your game." You admitted and he grinned before laughing and shaking his head.

"You know you could have just said you came, you didn't have too." He rolled his eyes when yours widened and you shook your head at him. "I have to get back on the field but here." He hurried to grab jacket and draped it over your shoulders.

"It's pretty warm." You mumbled blushing slightly when he caught you inhaling the smell of his jacket.

"It's going to get cold before the game ends... See you when I win." He tapped the end of your nose and smiled when you rolled your eyes and told him not to wolf out and cheat.

Brett was right, of course, both about winning and it getting cold enough to wear his jacket. The team cheered and whooped as the crowd flooded around them and groups all separated to chat about the match.

"Told you i'd win." He said when you tried to sneak away from the crowd, making you jump. "Come on, there's somewhere you can wait where there's less people." He offered and held out his hand.

You sucked in a breath as you took it and his fingers tangled with yours, leading through the crowds, pulling you a little closer when your heart pounded as you had to push through the larger part of the crowd.

"Brett!" You gasped quietly when someone knocked your hands apart and people started to push between the two of you. When people started to congratulate Brett you expected him to get distracted but instead he excused himself and shoved his way to you and finally pushed the way out of the crowd.

"Sorry, I should have held on." He mumbled and blushed a little when you shook your head to tell him it was ok and slipped your hands further up the long sleeves of his jacket. You jumped when he reached forwards to kiss you softly before leading you to a room off the changing rooms.

When he returned, showered and changed he chuckled, you were still in shock from his kiss and it didn't help when he kissed your cheek. "Why're you being so nice to me?" You asked shyly and he winced.

"Just because." Brett's answer made you roll your eyes as you tried to figure it out, smiling when he dumped his bag on the floor and bent so you could hop onto his back.

"That's a really bad answer." You giggled and leant forwards to look at him as he walked out of the school, swinging his bag from one hand as he cut through the woods. "Did Satomi make you be nicer?"

"No." He sighed and hoisted you up his back a little more.

You hummed and tried a few more times before deciding to tease him. "Am I your mate?" Brett didn't answer and instead plonked you at the front door and strolled off to his room. "Brett?"

"It doesn't mean anything, not yet anyway, Satomi says we won't get really... into the mating craze until we're older." Brett closed in on you and you weren't sure he'd noticed he was pressing kisses into your neck as he spoke.

"Oh... ok!" You squeaked and he pulled away, smiling sheepishly at you.

"Doesn't stop me from being overly protective or affectionate though but i'm working on that. I guess I should have told you?" He asked and you nodded quickly. "Yeah, sorry... i've never had a mate before." You could see his mentally kicking himself for saying it but that didn't stop the giggle bubbling out of you or the contagious noise spreading to Brett.

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