Werewolf Mob boss and Sandwiches

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You scoffed as you watched the video play on the screen. It was clear he was guilty of everything he'd been charged with and somehow he'd managed to get away with it.

Brett Talbot. The richest of the superior species. Somehow he seemed to own almost everything despite the many Alphas running things. Everyone know he was involved in whatever illegal subject the popped up but no one ever pinned him for it.

Mostly due to his bodyguard Theo Rieken who seems to alway have a perfect reason for Brett to get away with murder, literally.

"You know one day the Alphas are not going to play along with him." Your boss called from the back of the restaurant you worked at.

"Humans shouldn't get to try him. They're afraid of him so it would make more sense for werewolves to attend werewolf trials." You mumbled but he just scoffed.

"Yeah one more thing for them to take away from us." He grumbled.

"We can't hunt werewolves anymore... that's like one of the only things that's changed." You muttered and he nodded, glancing into the front of the restaurant as the last customers left.

"Yeah, some of us made a mint of hunting them." He told you and your eyebrows shot up before you hummed, spotting the familiar mark of hunters on his arm. "You don't mind looking up do you, my daughter's sick."

"Yeah sure, I hope she gets better soon." You called as he left.

After locking up the front you switched everything off, being sure to finish each room thoroughly before moving to the next. When you reached the very back room you jumped, the door was forced open and a group of people rushed in.

"You... you can't be in here." You muttered.

"I can be where I want little girl." The one infront said in a condescending tone that forced you to grit your teeth.

"No, we're closed you can't come inside." You insisted.

"I'm going to stay until a car comes for me, you call Theo get him to send a car for me." The man turned to the people with him, before turning back to you. "Cook me food i'm hungry."

"No, we're closed." You snapped firmly until he stared you down through his shades.

"You don't know who I am do you little girl?" He said as he pulled off his shades. "I'm hungry."

Your eyes widened when you met the golden gaze of none other than Brett Talbot, without thinking you hurried to make anything that could keep him from losing his temper.

He seemed happy with the sandwich and milkshake you made for him and ate as he listened to the two people he was with talk quietly, after a long time someone else came through the backdoor to tell Brett his car had arrived.

"Wait you have to pay for the food!" You objected as he started to leave, wishing you had kept quiet when he turned to look at you.

"I don't have to pay for anything, have we not established who I am... would you like another reminder?" He offered and you shrank back.

"I'm sorry it's just... the food comes out of my paycheck and... I might get fired if I tell him that I took it." You muttered quietly and he cocked his head. "I'm guessing you won't want anyone to know you were here."

"Pretty and smart, already grabbing for my wallet, if you weren't some pathetic dinner girl i'd take you home with me." Brett chuckled and reached him his pocket, handing you a huge roll of cash. "Keep the change, payment for whatever you did while we were here."

He left and you had the furious feeling that came from being offended by someone dumber than you but you were in no position to say anything back.


"You're late, but given what you said in your text last night, I can forgive you." Your boss called as you dumped your coat and bag before hurrying to start taking orders.

"Hey little girl!" You heard and flinched, looking over to the corner booth. "You got something here that won't kill me."

"Yeah, leaving." You answered and continued to serve the plates coming out of the kitchen.

"No need to be rude." He muttered, watching you through his ever present shades. "You should give me your number to make up for it."

"No." You said quickly. "Are you going to order any food?" You asked, tapping your pen on your notebook as you waited.

"Sure, what you made me last night and bring Theo a drink." He motioned to the grumpy looking man opposite him.

"Right." You sighed, writing down the order of what you had made last night and quickly explained to the chef what was going on.

By the time your shift was over Brett had almost been kicked out twice. He followed you to your car and you couldn't help but turn and glower at him. "Come on little girl, your number?"

"No, just go away." You sighed and he nodded.

"Alright I'll leave but, i'll get you number." He chuckled as he walked to a huge SUV with blacked out windows and finally left.

"Are my sandwiches really so good that I have an infamous werewolf who i possibly a mob boss... stalking me?" You muttered to yourself and laughed at how ridiculous the thought was, frowning when you spotted a huge arrangement of flowers and a box of chocolates with Brett's name written delicately on the box and wrapping.

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