Halloween Prompt ~ 2019

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Rain tapped soothingly, far off you could hear thunder rumbling over the woods. You were sat at the back of the library, reading the books Satomi had sent over for Scott. It was about the history of witches and you hoped that you would find something to help the rest of the pack who were fighting off a coven of witches that had descended on the town, using Halloween as their day for their big plans to go down.

The lights began to flicker but stopped quickly. Until there was a huge bang you didn't think anything of it.

"The witches are coming." Brett yelled as he burst into the library. He hurried towards you, yanking your arm as he hurried you out the back. Glancing behind you, you could see a group of people hurrying after you.

"Where do we go?" You asked quickly as you both managed to get outside.

"Just keep running, Stiles is on his way for us." Brett explained, practically lifting you off the ground as you bath rushed ahead while lights exploded above you and car twisted and scattered all over the road. You could see Stiles hurtling up the road towards you.

Brett Talbot ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now