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"That one's dating Brett." You heard muttered behind you as you sat watching Brett practise.

"No way, she's nowhere near as hot as Brett, no way does he like her!" Another voice joined the first and soon there was a slight buzz of chatter among the group sat behind you on the bleachers.

Just when you were ready to go home Brett caught your eye, resting the lacrosse stick over his shoulders as he stared up at you, smiling softly when you didn't wave or smile at him like you normally would.

"Hey, I thought we were going to watch Brett and study." Lydia almost yelped when you collided with her.

"I think I just want to go home." You snuffled and she frowned, glancing over your shoulder where she spotted Brett looking in your direction.

"Why what's wrong?" She asked quickly, hugging you when you tried not to cry.

"None of the girls here like be because I'm dating Brett and they don't think I'm good enough." You took a deep shaky breath and stepped away from Lydia. "I know it's a stupid thing to get upset about but it sort of gets lonely."

"You're Brett's mate, not them, just walk it off." She rubbed your arms and smiled when you laughed. "Besides, I bet they couldn't tackle an alpha."

"I told you I didn't mean to trip Scott over!" You sighed, mortified that no one would let it go. "I wish I could transfer but then I'd miss Brett."

"You belong to me and you need to accept it." Brett blurted out, making you jump.

"How long have you been standing there?" You asked him as he dumped the stick by his feet and hurried to hug you tightly.

"Long enough to know you needed me." He said as he nuzzled against you.

Brett Talbot ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now