Old Times

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"You missed." You sang to Isaac as you skipped about by the goal. He frowned at you before trying again. "You're not that great at this, huh?"

"You try doing it." He huffed. You shrugged and sat on the bleachers as he continued to practice until it was getting dark. He dumped his gear in his locker before meeting you round the front of the school.

"You're getting better." You mumbled as you held on to him, backing his bike as he rode towards your favourite restaurant. You both sat outside and sipped milkshakes as Isaac started to hesitate as he had to go home.

There was a moment of awkward silence as you tried to figure out how to sit next to your best friend, whether you should rest your head on his shoulder or the fact that you'd confessed your crush on your best friend and been rejected would make the usual action awkward.

"You think I could make team captain?" He asked as you finished up and threw the cups out.

"I think Jackson would kill you but you might be able to." You joked. He grinned as you reached your house, giving you a quick hug. "See you tomorrow." You called from the door. He nodded and waited for you to get inside before riding off.


"It's great to have you back." Scott said as he patted Isaac's back.

"Yeah it feels good." He muttered but was watching you and Brett. "She doesn't support the school anymore?"

"Nah she's just best friends with Brett." Stiles mumbled as he followed Isaac's gaze.

"She's annoyed that I left right, She's not talking to me?" Isaac asked and both of the boys shared a look and shrugged, avoiding looking at Isaac.

The game passed quickly, the rivalry between Brett and Isaac was quite clear and at one point a ball whizzed towards your face as you placed the sidelines and cheered. Isaac caught the ball with a smirk and a wink.

The game ended in a tie and Isaac had to be dragged away from Brett before a fight broke out. You started to walk home, pausing when you heard a whistle. "Il y a des monstres dans l'obscurité"

You raised an eyebrow and waited for him to swagger over. "Maybe so, there are monsters everywhere." You jabbed at his chest and he gasped, pretending to be hurt.

"So uh, you have a thing for werewolves or tall guys?" Isaac asked as he walked you to your house.

"What?" You asked and frowned at him, rolling your eyes when he took your bags and slung a arm over your shoulder.

"Me, This Brett guy. Any Other tall werewolves in your life?" Isaac asked as you laughed.

"Even if there were. What business is it of yours?" You asked him. He shrugged as you reached your house.

"Just catching up with my bestie." He answered slyly.

"Besties don't leave you without a warning and varnish off to Paris for months." You answered sharply.

"I bet Besties don't spy on each other from the woods." Isaac jerked his hand over his shoulder at where Brett had been lurking.


Brett sighed as he watched Isaac try and talk to you. Leaning his wrists on the edges of his lacrosse stick he tucked it behind his neck, waiting for you to head over.

"You're watching us practise again?" He asked as you wondered over.

"I said I'd help out for extra credit." You admitted and Brett nodded.

One of the coaches called for a warm up lap of the field. "Why're they here?" Scott mumbled as he jogged in pace with Stiles and Isaac.

"Their field flooded." Was all Stiles said. They both watched as Isaac lagged behind and slowed completely, leaning against the tree you'd been crouched under, splitting up bottles and snacks.

On the second lap round Scott and Stiles realised you've crossed the field and were struggling with a few boxes. Scott rushed to help you while Stiles went to see what Brett and Isaac were doing.

"She doesn't even like you. She's had a crush on me since we were younger." Isaac said as if he was summing up a rant and Stiles cringed.

"You're the one that abandoned her." Brett growled and Isaac shook his head as he glanced at you.

"I'm back now, she doesn't need you." Isaac snapped and Stiles was cringing so hard he almost doubled over as he flailed at the awkwardness.

"Oh yeah!" Brett snapped as you and Scott finally reached them. You squealed as Brett suddenly turned and kissed you hard, hands cupping your face. "I like you." He gasped as he pulled away.

You were so shocked that you didn't see Scott and Stiles wrestling Isaac away from the two of you. "Oh." Was all you said back.

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