Mistletoe meeting - December 2021

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You paused as you heard a noise. It sounded like something in the stockroom falling down off the shelves. You'd just been in there and everything had been in order but you could have knocked something over as you left with the stock you were dealing with now.

Cautiously you set your pricing gun down and headed to the back. There was a broom with a metal handle next to the door to the storeroom so you grabbed it, holding it ready. You hoped more than anything that someone had left one of the little windows open and a small animal had gotten in. You yelled when you rounded the corner of the store room and brandished your broom.

"Brett!" You gasped. He Raised his eyebrows and laughed.

"Hey. I didn't mean to scare you!" He said quickly.

"How did you get in here?" You said as you lowered your broom.

"I used the back door?" Brett said as if he wasn't sure if he'd actually used a door or just ripped a hole in your wall.

"You got the loading doors open? They've been stuck for weeks!" You said as you set the broom down and went to look at the door, which was indeed, now unstuck. "What did you want?" You asked as you turned your attention back to Brett.

"I wanted to invite you to the Christmas fair. They've started setting it up in town." Brett said with a touch of excitement to his voice. The bell back in the store chimed cheerfully and you glanced back towards the storeroom door. "Meet me under the mistletoe."

"Sure. But I have to get back to the store." You agreed. He grinned and nodded.

"Great! I have a pretty cool gift for you." He said rather eagerly and headed towards the loading doors. You laughed a little and hurried back to the store to greet the new customer who was waiting at the cash register. 

Brett Talbot ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now