(Y/N) Dunbar

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The morning school run was always awkward. Liam would duck down as far as the car would let him when you were dropped off at Denford Prep. You had been asked to stay rather than transfer with your brother, your good grades and perfect attendance being an asset to them rather than your brothers temper.

It was how you managed to start dating Brett without Liam ever knowing. Although it was awkward when he had ;lacrosse games but other than that you managed to avoid Liam finding out.

"Hey (Y/N) listen, I know you go to their school but you have to cheer for me ok, Brett's an ass and I kind of hate that I had to leave you to deal with him." Liam muttered when you finally arrived at Beacon Hills high school with the rest of your friends.

"Liam you can't tell me who to cheer for besides, school pride." You laughed and hurried off while Liam just gawked after you.

"I thought you said she was nice?" Malia asked but Liam just shrugged.

"I mean she was but... I guess she's right she's at a different school so she should cheer for them." Liam mumbled but he'd caught a whiff of someone on you and he couldn't place why it made him feel so mad.

"Well let's go and get ready." Stiles muttered as he followed after Scott and Kira.


"Hello you." Brett hummed when you hurried back towards the bus and jumped when his arms snaked around your waist.

"My brothers around here somewhere." You pointed out and he chuckled, shrugging when he leant down to kiss you.

"Don't care." He said softly as he backed your against the bus and kiss you a little harder, knocking the breath out of you as he cupped your face.

"HEY!" Liam's furious voice echoed around and you reluctantly pushed Brett away.

"Liam..." You started but he completely ignored yo and went straight to Brett.

"Stay away from my sister!" He snapped and growled when Brett cocked his head to the side.

"Why she likes me." He pointed out which only seeme to make Liam even angrier.

"Brett!" You hissed and tried to get him to hold back on the many things he wanted to say but you went ignored.

"No just stay away from her, i don't like you." Liam said protectively.

"Trust me she likes me, her favourite days are friday because no one's home and we f....!" You slapped your hand over Brett's mouth and looked at him with wide eyes. Turning you found Liam stomping over to some of his teammates who glared over at Brett.

"You shouldn't have said that." You sighed but Brett just smiled.

"I know i'm sorry, i'll apologise after i've beaten them." He grinned and gripped your chin, kissing you again, before jogging off.

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